*Winnie The Pooh*

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Considering Winnie The Pooh is originally a Canadian creation/inspiration, THIS part of the challenge I so wanted, nay, NEEDED to do! Initially, it was a toughie, but after researching online, and watching some clips - it finally came to me like this. I hope you find it as sweet as a smackerel of honey!

"Don't worry, we'll find our way," Loki assured.

As a fun field trip, Loki and I returned to Assiniboine Park. We went hiking through the northwest corner of the forest. There were designated paths, but we decided - well it was more Loki who suggested it, and it sounded like a great idea to me at the time, to mischievously go off of them and right into the thick of things for more of an adventure.

Indeed, it was an adventure as we walked a path less travelled - so to speak. Loki was in his element, boldly leading the way and I following beside with excitement. Fears of wild animals - most specifically predators - possibly crossing our path was in the back of my mind, but knowing I was with Loki, those fears remained exactly where they were.

But as we hiked further... there didn't seem any end in sight. It didn't make any sense - after walking for thirty minutes - by now we should have connected to another paved walking path!

Seeing the concern on my face, he had us stop, and he placed his hands on my shoulders, "don't worry, we'll find our way. Remember, twists and turns..."

"Are our speciality," I finished for him, a small smile crept upon my lips. With Loki, together we were able to find resolutions to whatever the world threw at us.

"Onward we march?" Loki suggested with an amused smile.

I nodded.

Continuing to look for some way out, it soon became clear that this part of the forest was quite different. The trees and undergrowth were more picturesque - various shades of yellows and browns, greens and reds - almost like it had been illustrated and hand-painted by a professional artist.  

Seeing all this against a blue sky and fluffy white clouds above us, we were enchanted, to say the least! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a few snaps with my smartphone.   

Then we happened upon the oddest sight. It was a treehouse. Well not exactly a 'treehouse' in which many consider the definition, but it was a house under a tree. A sign with words in gold letters that read "MR. SANDER Z" was written above the door as was another by a doorbell that says, "RNIG ALSO."

Loki and I looked at each other.

"Maybe there's someone in there that can help us?" I shrugged.

"Perhaps," Loki said, thinking out loud. "I just hope they don't consider us trespassers... and try to hurt us." He sighed, "but we have to explore all options."

"I'll go knock," I said, about to walk toward the home.

"No," Loki quickly interjected. "I'll do it, just in case..."

I gave him a sympathetic smile, "okay."

Approaching the door, Loki made sure to have me stand a short distance away for my safety.

He pressed the doorbell and waited.

Nothing happened.

He knocked on the door.

After a moment, it opened.

The occupant was a small yellow bear, wearing a red shirt - and nothing else.

"Hullo!" the bear greeted with enthusiasm. But then he looked up - way up - and saw who was standing before him, his expression changed into an anxious one. "Oh, bother. You're not Piglet."

"No, I'm not... Piglet," Loki replied, giving the bear a friendly smile. "We're sorry to... bother you. I'm Loki and this is my friend Beverlee. We're lost."

"Ah! But you found me," Pooh said with glee.

"Yes, yes, we have," Loki agreed. "Can you tell us where we are?"

"You're at my house," replied the bear, matter-of-fact.

"Yes," Loki chuckled, "but what is this place, what part of the forest is this?"

"The Hundred Acre Wood, of course."

"Of course," Loki nodded. "Would you be able to tell us how to get back to the regular trail paths of the park?"

"I always get to where I'm going by walking away from where I've been."

"Yes, but we've already tried to..." Loki paused, unsure of what to say next. I could see he was getting frustrated.

Seeing that this bear appeared harmless and had quite an interesting mindset, I made my way over to assist my friend.

I knelt before the bear.

"Who are you?" I asked, giving him my most friendly smile.

"I'm Pooh," the bear replied.

"Glad to meet you, Pooh," I said, reaching out to shake his paw. At first, he was hesitant, but his paw soon came up and we shook. "This Piglet you mentioned, maybe he could help us?"

"Maybe," Pooh said. "Piglet is very helpful. But right now he's out gathering haycorns."

"Haycorns?" I asked with curiosity.

"His favourite food. Mine is honey. Would you... have any with you?"

"I'm sorry, Pooh," I said. "We don't have any honey, but... we do have some apples if you like."

"No thank you," Pooh said. "But Piglet might like them. He should be here soon... unless he met up with a Heffalump or a Woozle. Oh, that would be terrible for him, very terrible."

"Are you saying Piglet could be in danger?" Loki asked. "Maybe we should go find him to make sure he's okay?"

"It's been a while since we've seen a Heffalump or a Woozle... Never have we really seen one, but to keep us safe we built a trap. However, if you both are here, who knows what else could be..." Pooh was still giving a good think on this, the thoughts now eliciting another anxious expression. "Oh dear, if anything happened to Piglet... Heffalumps frighten him the most."

"I'd be worried too if anything happened to my friend Loki," I said, now standing up. "Shall we go find him?"

"Christopher Robin told me Piglet and I were going nowhere today and I surely don't want to miss that. Neither would Piglet. Where he gathers haycorns is on the way... Perhaps he's already with him." Pooh smiled, "we can all go nowhere together!"

"If this Christopher Robin can take you to Knowhere," Loki mused, "then it should be child's play for him to help us find our way back. I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Shutting the door of his house, Pooh lead the way and we followed behind - with renewed excitement.

A grand adventure was about to begin...

****Bold Text: Taken from the works of A

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Bold Text: Taken from the works of A.A. Milne. Photo from the movie "Christopher Robin" (2018)

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