*Harry Potter*

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After thinking for a time about what book/scene would be best to drop my characters into, I came up with the following.

However, after writing this piece, I was having so much fun - and could have written more! With all the possibilities that came to mind, I am keen on making this into its own story someday!

Stay tuned.

I also dedicate this story to my dear friend in Mumbai. <3 


Sitting alone in the passenger car of the train, Loki watched the passing scenery through the window. The prospect to hone his magic skills at this reputable school was an exciting one and a grand opportunity at that.

Grand opportunity indeed, as his mother, Frigga, had called on a favour from the headmaster of the facility. They had been friends for years and felt that Loki should also learn Midgardian magic on top of what she was teaching him on Asgard. Armed with this combination of skills and her strong faith in his abilities, she wanted him to become the best magician he could be.

While Loki was enjoying his ride on the train and thinking of the possibilities that Hogwarts offered, he wished he could have had someone join him on his journey. He wasn't one to make friends easily as he tended to be shy, as well as sometimes saying the wrong thing to make others think he was weird.

Considering his experiences on Asgard, he was quite unsure if any of these Midgardian kids on the train would even like him.

"Excuse me," a nervous voice spoke, breaking Loki out of his thoughts, "do you mind? All the others are...full."

As Loki turned to see who had posed the question, he met the soft brown eyes of a girl with long brown hair - who was looking at him imploringly.

Loki smiled at her warmly and gestured with his hand to a seat, "not at all."

Smiling back, she walked into the car, but stopped as she got near, "may I sit beside you? I also can't sit on a train going backwards."

Loki nodded and again gestured with his hand to sit.

"I promise I won't bother you, I'll sit quietly and read."

"For my sake, please don't," Loki chuckled. "I was hoping for some company and... I like to talk." He then added, "if...if you don't mind."

"Not at all," she smiled back. "By the way, I'm Beverlee."

"I'm Loki."

They were both interrupted by a lady pushing a sweet trolley who stopped at the door of their car, asking if they wanted anything.

Beverlee shrugged and shook her head, "No thanks, I have some snacks in my travel bag."

Loki looked at Beverlee for a moment, and then turned to the lady, "two chocolate frogs and a package of Bertie Botts, please." Loki opened up his hand and in a flash of green light, some coins appeared.

Beverlee's eyes widened in astonishment, "that's amazing!"

Loki gave Beverlee one of his chocolate frogs and shared his package of Bertie Botts with her. As they snacked on the sweets while engaging in some fun conversation, Loki began to feel things were looking up. 

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