Chapter 26: Jack dumps all their resources into the ocean

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Jack stood in the middle of the little village's center, knee-deep in snow. People were milling around in the early morning, not deterred by the darkness – because the sun had yet to rise and probably wouldn't for quite some time still – but some seemed a little bit puzzled about the gangly guy picking up snow and peering at it for no obvious reason. Hiccup watched as Jack's hand traced absently up and down the frosty brand on his cheek and turned his frown to the sky.

"What's he doing?" he asked quietly.

Jamie shrugged. "I don't know, like, half the time," he admitted. "What did Idun and Rune say?"

"It started snowing sometime after we'd gone to bed last night. It's been like this for hours already."

Jack turned his eyes to them. Hiccup thought they'd been speaking quietly, but it seemed not so when Jack headed towards them.

Idun and Rune's front door was closed, and Hiccup could guess that the couple was just inside, probably discussing the trio's weird behavior. He tried desperately to come up with an explanation for why Jamie had bolted at the sight of snow, and why Hiccup and Jack had come running back down with him – Toothless a little further behind, as he had some trouble squeezing through the trapdoor.

But he seemed out of stock for explanations like that, and Hiccup was beginning to resign himself to that fact. Whatever conclusion Idun and Rune came to, they'd just have to stick with that.

"Nothing," Jack said as he came up to them. "I don't feel anything."

Jamie smiled weakly. "That's a good thing, right?"

"Yeah," Jack said, returning the smile in the same fashion. "Probably. Unless-"

Hiccup knew there was an unless coming.

"-she wanted me to know she was coming the last time, and that was the only reason I could feel her presence, and if I let myself believe I'm one step ahead of her she'll catch us off guard." Jack trailed the mark again, looking around uneasily. "Either way... we should go."

"Where to?" Hiccup asked.

"You know the Archipelago," Jack said. "Just... anywhere. Away. Further south, away from Berk. Anywhere you think might have... Traces."

Hiccup looked away from Jack's eyes at the last part, shaking his head. "I don't know anything about that," he argued, "but away from Berk sounds good. Further south..." He trailed off, trying to imagine his map in his head. He scratched his chin. "I don't know much about that side of the Archipelago. We could be heading towards the end of the world for all I know."

Jack looked amused. "I'm sure it's not that drastic," he said, and nodded towards Idun and Rune's front door. "Let's pack up."

While Jack and Jamie went upstairs to gather their belongings, Hiccup unrolled the map on one of the many tables. Rune smirked at him from where he still sat with his breakfast.

"No trouble, eh?" he asked.

"Definitely not," Hiccup replied, with no effort to make it sound convincing.

Rune hummed but didn't say anything more. He got to his feet and headed upstairs as well.

Idun walked over to him, looking at the map. "Gods," she muttered. "Makes me feel guilty for staying cooped up at home so much. You've really been all those places?"

Hiccup knew she was leading up to something else entirely. "Yeah," he replied, looking at her with a question in his expression.

Idun met his eyes. "I'd be worried about bringing trouble back home," she said, "but you must have that under control, right?"

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