The trail had led her into the dense woods. Along the way, she had seen a few chips of wood from what she assumed was her fishing pole. Those tiny pieces of wood are what gave her more reason to follow the trail of footprints. She was determined to catch this bastard that had taken her fishing pole.

The reason she cared so much for the fishing pole is because of the fishing line. The wood wasn't that valuable to her because she could make a new one if it broke. On the other hand, she doesn't have any spare fishing line. So it was valuable to her.

She had reached the end of the trail and saw a large chunk of the bottom part of her fishing pole. The line wasn't there, and that worried her. Looking at the trees and searching behind the bushes were her first action, but it was fruitless. She sighed heavily and leaned against a tree. "What am I going to do now?" she said to herself while sliding down into a sitting position.

She sat there doing nothing for a few minutes until she heard what sounded like a growl. 

Her shoulder tensed as she slowly stood up, slowly sneaking towards the source of the noise. Approaching what she assumed is the culprit behind the disappearance of her fishing pole. She had tried her best not to alert the culprit as she closes in on them. Emphasis on the word 'tried' as she accidentally stepped on a twig, snapping it in half and revealing her position to the culprit. She cringed at the loud noise she had made and swiftly hid behind a tree. The culprit had growled dangerously,  paying attention to even the slightest movements in their surroundings.

It walked towards Ziel's direction, sniffing the air to catch what it thinks is an intruder.

From behind the tree, Ziel could see the shadow of the creature closing in on her. At that moment, she couldn't hear anything else but the rapid beating of her heart. Her hands trembled as she pulled out the knife from her pocket, screaming profanities in her head as a single drop of sweat slid down her cheek.

This is going to be a disaster...

To be continued...

Info :

Poisonous Saphire

These flowers are generally known as the Poisonous Saphire because of their sapphire blue color and their highly poisonous thorns. The thing that makes it so valuable is not just because of its rarity but because of its uncanny healing properties. One petal is enough to heal a deep mortal wound. 

People usually consume the petal by mixing them with hot water and drinking it like tea. You can also turn them into ointments but drinking them is more effective.

These flowers usually grow near the river banks upstream, where it's more humid and colder. Though on rare occasions, they can grow downstream. That usually only happens when there's fog the night before. The fog created a cold and humid environment making it suitable for the flowers to grow.

 The fog created a cold and humid environment making it suitable for the flowers to grow

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Author's Note:

Hello there! I hope you enjoyed chapter 2

I worked hard to try and get the grammar right TvT

(I was so dedicated to describing the flowers that I had learned flower anatomy XD) (Also in case you don't know, she put the flowers in a jar with salt is to conserve them. So that it wouldn't wilt as fast)

Also, don't be shy to comment and give me your opinion on how the story is so far! :D 

That's it for the author's note. I hope you have a good day!
and stay safe (also stay healthy, stay away from corona >:v, stay inside)!

See you in the next chapter!

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