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Jenny's POV

I clutch the files closer to your chest and glance around nervously. It's my first day at work and everything seems overwhelming. I am supposed to report to the CEO'S office but I don't know where it is.

Why are there no indicators here? I should have asked the security guard. This office building is like a maze.

I finally decide to get inside the elevator and see where it takes me.

This is the second floor. This building has nineteen floors. I can only hope that there will be some indicator in the elevator.

As soon as I get on the elevator, I see another guy standing in a corner. My eyes land on his ID cars and I learn that his name is Daniel. He gives me a curious look.

I want to ask him but what if he tells everyone that I am directionally challenged? I can't risk my reputation right on my first day.

Ugh, what am I doing at this company? I am more suited for a convince store job where no one cares even if i drop a few things or get lost in the aisles.

"Um, excuse me?"

I jolt in surprise when I realize Daniel is talking to me.


"You're the new secretary, right?"

"Yes. It's my first day today"

He smiles, nodding his head.

"Thought so. You must be a bit lost"

Gah! Is it written on my face?

"Actually, this building is under renovation right now and things are a bit messy... some of the office locations are changing so we removed the indicators."

"Oh. I see, I thought it was a bit weird"

"Yeah. I think your destination is on the fifth floor."

Right then, the elevator stops and Daniel gets off.

"Good luck on your first day. I'll see you around."

"Thank you for your help. See you!"

I follow Daniels directions and finally find the office. My eyes land on the nameplate outside the door that reads: Brandon Everett, Chief Executive Officer.

Damn, even his name sounds intimidating. I have heard rumors about him but I hope for my sake, that they are not true.

I finally take a deep breath and knock on the door, asking for permission to go in.

"Come in."

I slowly open the door and walk in, keeping my head down and my hands clasped in front.

"G-Good Morning. I am Jenny Lockhart, your new secretary."

" Miss Lockhart, where am I sitting?"

I frown but don't dare look up at him.

"I-In front of me?"

"Then why are you talking him the floor?"

oh, shit.

I immediately tip my chin up and meet Brandon's icy gaze, as he regards me with no expression whatsoever.

I decided apologizing is the best thing to do in the moment.

"Sorry, that happened unconsciously."


"I will let it go this time since you are new but I expect you to behave in a manner fitting for my secretary."

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