20: Fun

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Andra POV:

Me and my friends/sisters spent all day having the time of our lives

We went shopping and then we ate out and visited places

After that when we came home we went up to my room and changed into our pajamas and watched movies with snacks. We also played games and gossiped it was honestly the best night I had in a while

"Ok Andra spill" Caroline says

We were talking about boys but I zoned out for a while

"Huh?" I ask

"You had sex with Kai" she says and my face goes red while everyone else's eyes widen

"You didn't tell us???" Rebekah says, looking betrayed

I rolled my eyes "I was going to" I mumble

"Yeah sureee" Freya says

"Well how was it" Caroline asks

"It was...good? I'm not giving details" I say with my face still flushed

"We didn't want details" Freya groan and we laughed

"You know speaking of boys is nobody going to talk about how Caroline and Klaus literally have eye sex every time they look at each other?" I ask and everyone except Caroline nods in agreement

"No we will not" she says and we chuckle

"Come on Care, make a move or something"

"Absolutely not" 

I roll my eyes "ok anyways did you guys ever kiss or anything?" I ask and her face changes

"Well?" Rebekah asks

"We might have hooked up in a forest" Caroline mumbles so quietly that if we weren't vampires we wouldn't have heard her

"YOU WHAT" me and Rebekah say in unison

"And you get mad at me for not telling you about me and Kai" I groan

Caroline sighs "its not like were dating, we were both just horny and one thing lead to another-" 

"Ok now one of you definitely have to make a move" I say cutting her off

"No and I'm gonna go get some water" she says

I roll my eyes and take out my phone and open my contacts to Kai and start texting him

Me: Hey Kai what are you doing?

Kai: Nothing just talking with your brothers why?

Me: Do me a favor and convince Klaus to ask out Caroline, they both like each other and I just need them to start dating

Kai: Ooh setting people up ok I'll do it right now

I chuckle

Me: Ok 

"What are you laughing at" Rebekah asks

"Oh I just asked Kai to convince Klaus to ask Caroline out since she clearly can't do it herself" I say and we all laugh

"Ok perfect" Hayley says

We spend the rest of the night talking until we fall asleep


Kai POV:

It has been a week since me and Andra have arrived to New Orleans and it was honestly really fun

Today was the last day we were going to stay and we were going to have a family dinner tonight with everyone before we returned to Mystic Falls

Her relationship with her family and siblings is everything I ever wanted 

Seeing her play around with them made me think about me and Jo when we were younger

We would play games together and she was one of the very few people who didn't judge me

I would annoy her when her friends were over it was funny

"Andra your really not all that" I hear Kol say

They were arguing about who is stronger and I drifted off away in my thoughts

"Are you challenging me?" Andra asks

"If we had a fight you would only win because your werewolf and witch" Kol says making Andra smirk

"Ok lets fight I won't use my witch powers and there really isn't any werewolf powers to use" 

"Alright your on" Kol says before speeding towards Andra

Andra was faster though she sped towards him and pinned him to a wall but he quickly grabbed her and switched positions. Andra dug her hand in Kol's stomach and his grip loosened making Andra pin him to the wall by his neck and then snapping his neck

Rebekah, Klaus, Freya and Caroline started laughing their heads off while Elijah was trying to be a good older sibling but he ended up slipping a chuckle anyway

"Finally someone put him in his place, Kol thinks he's all that " Rebekah says and Andra chuckles

A few seconds later Kol wakes up and groans

"See I told you I was stronger" 

Kol rolls his eyes "yeah whatever"

I chuckles and decided that I would text Jo 

I really missed her and I kinda wanted to introduce Andra to her and Liv like, a normal family well as normal as it gets being a witch and being friends with werewolf's and vampires

I took out my phone and decided to text her I didn't really expect her to respond

Me: Hey

Jo: What do you want 

Me: I'm finally not trying to kill you after 18 years and this is how you respond

Jo: Kai what do you want

Me: Well I was wondering if I could bring Andra over in a few days since I'm dating her and you can meet her? I can also try to get Liv to meet her but I just want my girlfriend to meet my family

Jo: One I had no idea you two were dating I thought she hated Gemini's and two I swear to god Kai if you try to kill or hurt us I will kill you and take down our whole coven with you

Me: Woah calm down I told you I'm nice now and she does hate Gemini's but its impossible to resist my charm

Jo: Fine and don't text Liv I'll convince her, the last thing she wants is you to text her

Me: Hurtful sis

And she left me on seen. I shrugged it off, can't really expect her to be nice after what I did to her and the family


It was time for dinner and we all sat at the table 

"Andra remember when you 'accidentally' killed a random guy?" Caroline asks making Andra roll her eyes

"It was an accident don't judge me"

After that they all started to make fun of each other. This was the most fun I had in years.

A/N: Ok this took forever to do and I know right now it seems like I'm just writing happy stuff with no plot but I promise there will be drama in a few more chapters bear with me please. Don't forget to vote and comment

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