Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

Bronk: "We brought her, Yuto."

Tori: "Quick warning, she's not happy."

Ms. Andrews: "What's going on?"

Then she looks and to her surprise sees her own son there on the stage wearing the Sparrow costume.

Ms. Andrews: "What are you doing here, Nelson and how did you get past the guards?"

Then Sparrow looks at her mother.

Sparrow: "Are you speaking to me?"

That got her mad and she glare at him.

Ms. Andrews: "That's not the way you speak to your mother, Nelson."

That made him a confused look.

Sparrow: "My mother? What are you talking about my mother is right here."

He points at Number 83: Galaxy Queen behind him, which made her surprised.

Ms. Andrews: "Nelson..."

Sparrow: "I'm not Nelson, I'm the Sparrow."

Which made her even more worried.

Yuto: "Ms. Andrews..."

She looks at me.

Yuto: "You heard the news of what happened right? That's someone attacking people who dress as the Sparrow?"

She nodded as I pointed toward Nelson.

Yuto: "Your son did it."

She is surprised to hear what her son is doing on the news recently.

Ms. Andrews: "What?"

Yuto: "It's because of what you did to him, you pressured him to be the Sparrow and cast a shadow on his true self."

She is surprised at what she is doing to her son.

Galaxy Queen: "The Sparrow lives to serve me."

Nelson's mother is surprised by what she heard and everyone except me was also surprised by this.

Yuma: "Did that lady speak?"

He said which make both Tori and Bronk nod.

Ms. Andrews: "You're in big trouble, Young man."

Yuto: "That won't do at all."

She looks at me.

Yuto: "Watch this Duel and you will see how much damage you did to him."

Then we continue our Duel.

Sparrow: "Prepare yourself, Furious Max! I will defeat you to free my friend from your control!"

That got everyone confused at what he said, But I did an evil laugh.

Yuto: "Don't be foolish, Sparrow having more monsters means nothing to me at all and I will defeat you."

That got everyone surprised to look to see how I act, even Tori blushed a little to see how I act like he was in a show. Meanwhile, that made Sparrow even madder at me.

Sparrow: "In that case, I will set my friend free by force!"

Then I see that Sparrow Number symbol on his hand.

Sparrow: "I activate Galaxy Queen's effect once more! Making my monster indestructible and gaining the effect of piercing damage to my opponent."

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