After a little while, the two of you had sat down and ordered. But strangely you felt like someone's eyes were on you, however you weren't sure who's or from where? And it was starting to piss you off.

"Hey, does it feel like we're being watched by someone to you at all?"

"Huh?" Himiko looked up at you "Oh you too I've been having that strange feeling all day like someone's stalking been us or something? Well, whoever it is they're not doing a great job at it."

"Yeah, that's precisely how I feel" you turned and scanned around the busy restaurant in an attempt to spot any eyes on you. "Eh, it's probably nothing."

The feeling of being watched isn't anything new to you. It's relatively normal, considering you've broken the law more times than you can count and are always on the lookout for police and Pro Heroes lingering to arrest you.

But this feeling was different, it was like you could feel the presence of whoever was watching you but couldn't see who it was, and truthfully it started to creep you out a little.

Your thoughts came to a close once the waiter returned with your food, placing it down on the table in front of you. "Thank you," you told him in return.

Himiko beaming once her food was brought to her. "Oh man I'm so hungry I could finish this in an instant." her comment making you chuckle slightly.

You were about to take a bite before you heard an enormous explosion, causing the entire building to intensely shake as you were almost knocked off balance while dust and debris from the ceiling started to crumble down onto you.

You had held your ground as people begin all around began to stumble over and lose their balance, causing a large commotion throughout the active restaurant.

Furthermore, you rapidly glanced around to find the cause of the building shaking. At first, you thought it was just an earthquake, but as you looked out the window, you began to see an outbreak of explosions followed by an immense amount of smoke.

Your face began to light up with excitement. "Hey, we should go find out what the cause is, that looked pretty interesting, right?"

"Aww man, but I didn't even eat my ramen "

"I'll buy you some more, I promise." You rolled your eyes as you grabbed her pushing past people as you ran out the front door to the restaurant.

Once you were outside, you had a clearer view of all the smoke that was clouded through the street as the fire started to eat away at the nearby building. You ran faster to get a closer perspective as to what was even going on.

Ever since you were a little girl it was like no matter what somehow your body just pulled itself towards danger, it was thrilling to you seeing any kind of wreckage happen before your eyes. It was even more thrilling when you were the one causing it.

There was an abundance of citizens who stood still in the street in fear and curiosity as to what's going on. You know you were vetting closer when you heard the piercing sound of fire engines going off. And the cloud of thick black smoke was getting closer.

You stopped running as you were met with a crowd of people gathered around something, but you couldn't tell what. You stood on your tiptoes in an attempt to get a better view.

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