Hello I think it's time for a proper introduction.

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Steph's POV
I woke up in the hospital bed, a rainy morning, finally coming to my senses of what had happened. I had missed 2 weeks of school and I might have to repeat the year since the teachers probably have no idea where I am or what's happened to me. Hello, I am Stephanie. Stephanie Taylor, a survivor of a suicide attempt, an un needed soul to this world somehow. I still feel like a waste of space. Nobody loves me. I sigh and look at my bedside table, spotting a rarely found beautiful dark red rose which symbolises love and care in the greek mythologhy. I really am into reasearhing flowers & their meanings. I took the rose, carefully, not to get my fingers stabbed by the thorns. I had recently been getting backstabbed a lot. *knock knock* may I enter Mrs Taylor? Are you awake?
Dr. Irwin's POV
"Umm yes? Come in..."
I guess she's still shy..
Oh my god! What if she acts awkward, remembering what happened yesterday!

I gently turned the doorknob once I had my permission. Inside, sat a shockingly beautiful, i repeat shockingly beautiful girl. She stood up on her bed and gazed into my eyes. "Yes? Do you have something to say?"
"No" I say, "I just came to check i you were alright. "Have you came to your senses yet?" She starts laughing, "I've pinched myself alot and I can feel it when I blink, soo..." I got a bit closer to her and look right into her sapphire blue eyes. "Beautiful" I whispered, just a bit loudly, I covered my mouth so tight at the moment and jumped backwards. I couldn't believe myself that I had done such an ashaming thing in front of the girl I fell in love with at first time. I blushed heavily from embarrasment. I couldn't bare to look at her...

Steph's POV
"You think so...?" I watched his cute face as he bit his lips with excitement. I felt something tingling in my stomach. Something like butterflies? "OH MY GOD!" I said inside myself... "HE IS SO CUTE!!:))" I was falling in love with my doctor. Love at first time. "Well, Dr, Sir, Your eyes are overwhelming me at the moment" I started blushing rapidly
at the instant it came out of my mouth...
Dr Irwin's POV
"You can c-call me Ashton" I told her, stuttering as I spoke my words. I WAS SO SURPRISED AND SHOCKED AND DELIGHTED, ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I didn't know if it was on accident, but I tripped and fell onto her bed. "Yikes! I-I'm soo sorry! I never meant to do something like this!"
She winked at me "Ohh, Ashton, it doesn't matter! Your apology is accepted!;)" There was an awkward silence between us as we gazed and constantly blushed into each other's eyes. I leaned in a little more. There were no flaws on her face! Now this is what you would call flawless...
Steph's POV
I leaned in and he leaned in. His hair fell in front of his eyes as he cupped my face in his hands. I let him do that. For the first time in my life I was feeling that someone really had feelings about me, or even loved me. It's very hard to believe for me. Our faces were millimeters away. I slowly pecked at his lips. He closed his eyes. "I love you, Stephanie" he told me, as he gently, yet smashed his lips onto mine. I let him, and kissed back passionately...

Hey people! Thanks for reading my fanfic, I means so fkn much! ILYASM<3
Btw, some of you might wonder "where is luke?" Or why i didnt include him in this part, but you will see!
please carry on reading this!

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