Lugh, in the disguise of a 17-year-old boy named Craig, stood on the train platform waiting for the train to come in. It was night and it was windy. As a breeze blew through his blonde hair, Craig turned to The Morrigan.

"Are ya sure this will work?" he asked her.

"Of course," she replied happily. "I'm always sure."

"Are ya?"

The Morrigan looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "Lugh, I've already explained this. Something is blocking my prophetic eye from seeing what's going on, so I must not intervene as much as possible so as not to alert enemy forces to what we're doing."

"I just wish ya would give me a little more to go on," Lugh groaned.

"Lilly is your friend, pupil and you are the best god for this task. While she's in Blackwater, you must watch over her."

"And ya canna do it yerself?"

"Don't act like you don't adore that child, Lugh."

Lugh nodded with a smile.  "Yeah, she certainly captured me heart.  I honestly didna think I could love a child as if they were me own, and she's not even me child."

The Phantom Queen giggled.  "She's special, that one.  But no, I can't do it myself.  I have a little...side project going that needs tending to."

Lugh chuckled with a shake of his head. "And yer not gonna tell me?"

"No." A train whistle blew in the distance and they both looked down the tracks. "You have the pocket watch?"

Lugh pulled out a gold watch on a chain. "Yes. It's been filled with good luck."

"Good. Now make sure your target gets the watch, alright?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Lugh said before putting the watch away. "How will I know when I see him?"

The Morrigan chuckled. "Oh, you'll know him when you see him."

"Who is he, anyway?"

"His name is Arthur Morgan."

Lugh's eyes shifted to the track as the train came into view. "Oh. Does he play an important role?"

"He does." The Morrigan sighed as she started walking away. "Good luck, Lugh."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

As The Morrigan disappeared, Lugh waited patiently on the platform for the train to stop. When it did, he walked a few steps to where people started getting off. When he saw a very familiar redheaded child getting off the train, he couldn't help but smile. It'd been two years since Lugh had seen his pupil, and even though he knew Lilly didn't remember much of everything that happened before fleeing Ireland, he was sure that wouldn't be a problem.

"Lillian?" he called out as she walked his way.

The little girl stopped in her tracks and gave him a suspicious look. "Who wants tah know?" she asked.

"I'm Craig.  Brian and Sean's friend," Lugh replied.

Lilly narrowed her eyes and took a step forward.  "And how do I know that yer Brian and Sean's friend?"

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