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Time pased slowly. Very slowly. 

Ever since Kento-san went on a mission outside of the city I was counting days. It was planned that he was going to be gone for about three days. But he called me one day, saying that he will have to stay longer. It's been a week since he went. 

"Nanami has been gone for a while now." Gojo said "I bet you're missing him."

I gave him a smile.

"Don't worry, Y/N." he continued "He'll be back."

"I know." I said.


"Wait, you haven't seen him, Y/N?" Gojo said. "He was back last evening. We had a drink together."

"He didn't tell me." I said, looking down.

"Oh." Gojo put his hands on the pocket of his pants "Are you guys going through something?" his voice sounded concerned, which was rare "Now that I remembered it, he drank a lot last night. More than usual."

I looked at Gojo. My eyes felt hot. Are we going through something? It felt like a heavy creature is clinging onto my chest. It felt like I wanted to let my body fall onto the ground dissapear. 

Understanding the situation after not hearing an answer, Gojo said "He looked miserable. More than usual." he gave a faint smile. "Now go home, Y/N. I'm sure he'll come back to you."

How would you know that? I thought. Gojo didn't even know what happened. And what happened was not even that big. But now Kento-san is avoiding me.

My initial thought was to go home and burry myself under my blanket. If he's avoiding me, then I should not try to find him. But something is telling me to go to his apartment. To ran there, open his door, and told him that I want to live with him. I wanted things back as they were before.

"I'll see you later." I smiled at Gojo and gave him a wave.

After that I walked back to the clinic and packed my bag. Then I walked in the middle of the cold air, hugging my body. I walked fast, passing my apartment. My steps were sure and steady. There was only one place I'm going even when I'm not sure the person I'm going to will be in that place.

My heart raced. The beats getting faster and faster as I was approaching his door. I had the keys. I won't knock. So I unlocked the door and open it. I felt cold air accompanying my entrance to his apartment. 

The place smelled like him. But it was dark and the air felt a little cramped. I stepped into the room, taking off my shoes. I locked the door behind me and slowly tip toed inside. I was greeted by the sight of cans of beers on the dining table. Some are already opened and empty, some are still sealed. 

Then I heard a grunt and I heard the bed creaking.

"Kento-san?" I saw a figure laying on the bed, arms crossing, covering the face.

He was there, still in his work shirt and trousers. His socks and tie thrown onto the floor. 

"Y/N?" he looked up, finally.

His hair was a mess. His eyes were red. I saw the darkness was back under his eyes. He looked misserable. He was drunk, I believe. Counting the beer cans and the state he was in, there's no way he was sober. My plan to tell him that I want to live with him was brushed away. It is better to wait for the next day, when he's fully conscious. So instead, I picked up his socks and tie and put them in the laundry basket. I turned on the light on the kitchen area and start cleaning up the mess.

Kento-san pushed his body up and sat on the bed. Then he stood up and walk towards the kitchen area. He stopped my hand from taking the beer cans.

"Your hand is freezing." he said, squeezing my hand.

Now that he was so close, I asked him the only reasonable thing to ask at the moment "Why didn't you tell me you were back?"

"I didn't know the state you were in. I thought you may need more time to be alone."

"No" I said. Seeing him in person made me realize exactly what I felt "I don't need more time alone. It seems like I miss you." I sighed "Now, you should change clothes and go to bed. I'll clean this up."

He stood there, eyes looking tired, but he smiled. A faint smile. Then he laid his head on my shoulder. His tall figure, bending so that his head reach my shoulder. He took a deep breath and chuckled. His arms around me, locking my arms on my sides.

"Seriously, Kento-san. You should change and brush your teeth. You breath stinks."

He then let go of me, saying "Sorry." Then he went into the bathroom.


I woke up to my phone alarm. I could see the sunshine trying to enter the room from the corners of the curtain. I could see the dusts floating around the air above us. I sat on the bed and look to my side, where Kento-san was still asleep. His breath steady, chest going up and down. I didn't want to wake him up, but we have to go to work.

I tapped his forehead two times, calling his name "Kento-san. Wake up."

With a grunt he opened his eyes. He tried to sit, but then he immediately grabbed his forehead. He moaned.

"Who told you to drink that much?" I smiled. "I'll make some tea."

I rushed into the kitchen and boiled some water. I opened the cupboard and grab the peppermint tea. Then I grabbed two mugs and put one bag of tea on each one. After that I opened the fridge. I found some eggs and bread. I examined them and decided that it was fine to eat. Then I looked at the freezer and found a few striped of bacon. 

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that Kento-san was now standing next to the bed. A few seconds after that he walked to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later to sit on the dining chair.

I defrost the bacon and fried it. After that, with the leftover oil from the bacon, I fried the eggs and slightly toast the bread. When it's all done, I pour the hot water into the mugs. I brought all of that to the dining table and sat in front of Kento-san who was holding his forehead once more.

"Try to eat." I told him.


"I thought about ending our realtionship, Y/N." his voice was followed by a moment of silence.

It's always been there in the back of my head. The option that I ignore, but a completely reasonable one. I just never want to consider it.

"I thought that even if it may be difficult now, it will save us heartbreak in the future." he continued "But," he sighed "It took me much more courage to even think about this than to think about anything I've ever thought about. Do you understand what I'm saying, Y/N?"

I nodded.

"Well I have decided, as a final decision, that I don't want that." he said "I don't want to think about this anymore. But it may be different for you. So, what do you think?"

I looked at him, fiddling with my fingers underneath the table.

"I will respect whatever you want, because I know you. You don't decide easily. You think a lot. Always." he continued after a few seconds of my silence.

Then, I finally said "I'm sorry, Kento-san." 

Let's Grab Lunch : A Nanami Kento fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now