Building a Home

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I wonder if one day he'll stop liking me. I also wonder if one I will stop liking him. How would that be? Will we notice at all? How long until it happens?

Until we retire

His words are always in my head. Until we both retire. So hopefully we will still like each other until long after that. But I cannot control my train thoughts. I couldn't help but to think that there's always a possibility that we'll get sick of each other. Even after all the sacrifices, compromises, we'll finally get tired of each other. Like many people are. Married people.


Then I'll hear his voice, or I see him walking towards me. It feels like he wipes away the thoughts.  And I could not hear anything or see anything other than him. 

"I'm not sure about that, Y/N." he said one night. We were lying on the bed.

"I didn't mean to freak you out, Kento-san. I just want to share my thoughts."

"I know." he sighed "You always think too far ahead." 

"I couldn't help it. The thoughts just came in and it never came out of my head."

He shifted on the bed, facing me "Have you ever love someone else, Y/N?"

"Love someone like I love you?" I looked at him "No. Never, I believe."

"Me too." he sighed again. "Then we should be fine. If it is hard for us to fall in love like this, then it make sense that it is hard for us to fall out of a love like this. So we should be fine."

I thought about what he said. His thoughts, his words, they always stay in my head. A reminder I keep because they're so different from my own thoughts. He keeps me sane.

After saying "I love you" out loud that night, it became easier to say it daily. We say it every morning before going to work. We say it every night before bed. We say it on phone calls or text messages. I hope that even when it gets easier, it does not become meaningless.


We arrived in my aparment at eight pm. The sky was already dark and the season is changing. The world suddenly becomes cold and we have to start wearing layers. I even got the flu for a few days. It was not so bad, but when I finally got better, it was Kento-san's turn to get sick. 

That night was the first night he got back to work. He's been staying in my apartment the whole time he was sick. It was closer to the school, meaning it's easier for me to take care of him. 

"Should we start cooking?" I asked as we hung our coats.

"Sure. I'm starving." he said.

I went into the kitchen and wash my hand. He washed his hand and face on the bathroom. Then we started opening the fridge, cutting up ingridients, heating up stuff, and in no time the apartment smelled like heaven.

I went to open the window so that the smell of the food wouldn't stick to the bed. No matter how heavenly it smelled, it won't be once you smell it on the pillows. I opened the window too widely and a surge of cold air went in. I immediately closed it, then pushing it open again carefully so that there's only a small opening.

"It's boiling already, Y/N." Kento-san shouted.

"Okay." I rushed back to the kitchen and quickly dropping vegetables and tofu into the boiling broth.

By then Kento-san was mixing the seasoned chicken pieces with flour and baking soda. We were making fried chicken. His hands were all white and the flour was flying around, leaving traces of whiteness on his shirt and trousers. 

Let's Grab Lunch : A Nanami Kento fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now