Niall muttered under his breath and shook his head, Dylan patted Liam's back

"Whatever you're going through, is it bad?"

Liam slowly shook his head "No... Just a few secrets I don't want anyone to know"


Liam knocked on the Malik's house door and when it opened, Zayn's mother furrowed her brows but quickly smiled

"Liam!!" She said, he smiled and they hugged, she kissed his cheek

"How are you, love? Did Zayn forget anything?"

Liam rubbed the back of his neck "I was actually hoping I could talk to him"

Her smile fell "He... Isn't with you?"

Liam slowly shook his head "No..."

She opened and closed her mouth then shrugged "He's not home, darling. I'm sorry"

Liam shook his head "No!! It's ok, don't worry about it" He rushed out, they bid each other goodbye and the door closed

Liam stood there for a moment before walking home


Liam knocked on the door and it was opened by Dylan, they smiled and hugged Liam tightly

"You came!!"

Liam hugged them back before they pulled away, Liam was given a cup of something and slumped down

Talking to others as they all laughed and talked, but he kept his eyes on the door

Waiting for Zayn to come in, he eventually did come in, he hugged Dylan and smiled at Liam

But a second later someone walked in with him, Markus

He said hello to Dylan and apologised for making Zayn late

Zayn rolled his eyes but was still smiling, Liam watched him, he watched his best friend that he's barely been a friend to

He hates that he realised what he was doing a little too late


Zayn eventually made his way to Liam, Liam stood up and they both hugged tightly

Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn's waist, and Zayn enveloped Liam

Liam closed his eyes and smiled "I missed you" He forced out

Zayn hugged Liam tighter "I missed you too..."

They pulled away, but went towards a more quiet part of the house, and sat down together

"I'm sorry... I really am, I didn't mean to just blank out on you" Liam said and Zayn frantically shook his head

"Liam no!! You didn't do anything wrong" Zayn pulled Liam closer and kissed his cheek

"I promise you did nothing wrong"

Liam's shoulders fell "Zee-"

"Whatever you were doing is none of my business Liam" Zayn said then let Liam go and poked his cheek

"The others were worried I was isolating you... So maybe this is good"

Liam furrowed his brows and looked at Zayn "What? Who told you?"

"Forced it out of Niall." He said then looked at his hand, turning the ring around his finger

"They're right... You have all these people you want to be friends with. I'm stopping you"

Liam blinked "Do you really think that?"

Zayn smiled and nodded "Yeah..."

"You're wrong" Liam said and Zayn eyes widened

"Which is probably very weird because you'd been wrong less times than I can remember, but you're wrong"

Liam leaned back and crossed his arms "You don't isolate me, you never do. I isolate me because I don't want to be somewhere without you"


"Shush I'm talking" Zayn nodded, eyes still wide "I know you're probably gonna say stuff like- 'But it's all my fault and you shouldn't do that' or 'It's wrong for me to be the reason for that and you should be able to fuck around and find out'"


Liam smiled "I was right?"

"You were at the beginning, but towards the end you couldn't be more wrong"

Liam rolled his eyes and tried to  kicked Zayn but he caught Liam's ankle and raised an eyebrow

Liam flashed him a toothy smile, Zayn laughed before the door was pushed open

They both turned towards it and Markus stood there, looking between Liam and Zayn before his eyes landed on Zayn and he smiled


Zayn nodded, he stood up and Liam looked between them

"What are you doing?"

Zayn took his hoodie off "Markus was going to introduce me to some of his friends" He said and Liam nodded, Zayn gave Liam his hoodie and Liam furrowed his brows "You'll get cold" Liam smiled and nodded, he took it as Zayn left the room walking after Markus

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