forty two

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"do i look fat?" finley asked as she walked into the front room

"no" i straight away replied, she was wearing an periwinkle coloured mini dress and she did look her normal size

"are you sure? i'm thinking something a bit baggier" she mumbled

"fin you look normal" i said turning on the couch and looking at her properly

"can i tell you something" she said, looking around the front room. me and fin where the only ones in the apartment, both thomas and payton had left around an hour ago to grab some stuff.

"you're not allowed to tell a soul other than payton because i'm pretty sure thomas has told him" she added

"okaaaay" i replied

"like reece not even mum and dad know" she said

"but i need to tell you because you are liteally my best friend and we share an apartment it's so hard to keep a secret from you" she sighed

"what's up?" i asked, i knew what she was about to tell me

"i'm pregnant" she said, my jaw straight away dropped and i let out a squeal, i had always wanted to be an aunty, especially to thomas and finley's children, ive liteally been waiting for this for years

"jesus reece" finley mumbled as she covered her ears

"i'm sorry" i laughed, i got up off of the sofa and ran over to her, pulling her straight into a hug

"i was litreally talking to payton about this last night but i didn't actually think you where" i said

"you heard us talking about baby names didn't you?" she asked

"you are not naming your baby emma fin, that is the most basic name ever" i replied

"ugh i was telling thomas that" she laughed

"i personally love the name reece" i said

"works for a boy or girl" i shrugged

"i love you reece but i want to be original" she replied

"ugh boring" i mumbled

"you know it's a girl right?" i asked

"no we don't know the gender yet, we don't find out for a couple more weeks" she replied

"no it's a girl" i said

"not that weird thing where you know the gender" she whined

"i knew karson and charlie's" i shrugged, when i was little i knew as soon as my mum was pregnant what she was having, i always know, it's very weird.

"you and you're psychic abilities scare me" she mumbled, i let out a small laugh and started to twiddle my thumbs

"you're about to tell me something" she said

"you are you're psychic abilities scare me" i mimicked, she let out a scoff and looked down at me

"shut up and tell me!" she said

"okay, we weren't going to tell you we were just going to wait until you notice but uhm yeh me and payton are together" i confessed

"holy shit finally" she sighed

"i have been waiting so fucking long for you to say that, i don't think you understand" she added

"no i know, you haven't shut up about it for the past five years" i replied

"but i only told you that because you told me you're pregnant so please don't make anything about it" i said

"family dinner friday is going to be amusing" she lightly laughed to herself

"hmm especially when i asked mum and dad to go to north carolina for a couple weeks" i mumbled

"dude what you're leaving me?" she asked

"not for ever, just a couple weeks" i shrugged

"go away" she mumbled

"anyways, where are you getting dressed up to go to?" i asked

"dinner with thomases parents" she sarcastically smiled

"oh have fun" i brightly smiled, finley loved her in-laws but they where so so so rude and annoying, constantly picking finley apart and trying to rebuild her as their own.

"yeh yeh, you and payton have the place for yourself until late so no funny buisness, morning sickness isn't fun" she said

"no problem there" i brightly smiled

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