"Leafspeaker. You?"


"Like the mushroom?"

"I think so."

"It's fun to say." Leafspeaker was glad this was her name. It was easy to remember. "Amanita. A-ma-ni-ta. Amanita." They spent a while pronouncing Amanita's name funny as a joke. Leafspeaker was relieved. She had finally found the one dragon left in the tribe who didn't hate her just for being a hybrid. Based on her thoughts and speech, she didn't hate her at all.

"Can you read minds?" Amanita asked after a while.

"YesIcanpleasedon'thateme." Leafspeaker answered, praying that she wouldn't hate her for this. But Amanita's smile didn't budge. "That's so cool! And it would be so useful to have a friend that can read minds! I do have some secrets that I don't want the world to know, but you wouldn't tell anyone, right?"

"Of course I wouldn't!" Leafspeaker said, the faintest bit hurt that Amanita would even think that.

"Good. So how does the mind-reading work? Can you just dig around in someone's head?"

"Ok, thank you for that visual, and, no. I can only hear or see what a dragon is currently thinking. Sometimes I can see images in someone's mind."

"When they're thinking words, do you hear their thoughts, or see words spelled out?"

"I hear their thoughts in their voices."

"Interesting. What am I thinking right now?" Amanita asked, while her mind remarked, You are super cool, Leafspeaker.

"Your mind says exactly; 'You are super cool, Leafspeaker.' " Even though Amanita knew Leafspeaker could read minds, she was still amazed that it was true.

This dragon is a mindreader and seer. Get over it, Amanita. Amanita scolded herself. Leafspeaker nearly laughed. She thought she could listen to Amanita's thoughts for days and not get bored. "ICEBREAKER TIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!" Amanita suddenly hollered. "I'll ask a question first. What was your earliest memory?"

Leafspeaker had to think about this. "My earliest memory was during my hatching. I had a sister, but she was taken away by a big NightWing when she was still an egg. To this day I wonder where she is now. What about you?"

Amanita thought for a while. "My earliest memory was when I was one. I snuck out of the village and almost got eaten by a Venus Dragontrap. I held completely still. Fortunately, that was the right thing to do. It left me alone." Leafspeaker couldn't help laughing. "Your turn." Amanita said. Leafspeaker tried to think of a good question. She settled for, "Have you lost any family or friends?" It didn't take very long for Amanita to respond. "My mother went missing when I was young, so I live with my father." She said. Leafspeaker decided not to ask the questions bubbling up in her own mind, but Amanita's answered them. Father isn't horrible, but he ignores me a lot. Leafspeaker decided to answer her own question. "My father, a NightWing named Morrowteller(Could he see the future? Amanita's mind buzzed.), died before I hatched. My sister was taken by a NightWing when she was an egg, shortly after I hatched. My mother died when I was three. My stepfather abandoned me, not long after. It's just me and me now."

"That's sad." Amanita said. "Anyway, my turn." She thought of a question. "If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island that you were stranded on, what would that one thing be?" Leafspeaker had to think about this. "I don't really have any prized possessions," she said. "But if you were willing to come, I guess I'd bring you? You know, so I'd have someone to talk to."

"Of course I'd be willing to come." Amanita said. Leafspeaker and Amanita continued to ask each other Icebreaker questions until the sun started to rise.

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