Chapter 1. Adam

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Content Warning: language, mention of self harm

Life is good. Caleb is sitting on my bed while I set up my Xbox.
     "You're gonna love this game" he says with a smile. He's brought over the newest Madden game. I take a second to take in this moment, right here. Caleb Michaels, the football player with beautiful green eyes, paired with anger issues is sitting on my bed. Caleb Michaels, -my boyfriend- the football player with beautiful green eyes, paired with a fucking superpower; is opening up so I can sit in between his legs. It's been 6 months since we got together (the first time) but it's still so surreal to me.
      He's so warm and safe. He slips his arms around my waist as I lean back into him more. His muscles are like weights on my lap but I don't mind. He rests his head on the back of mine, burrowing in my hair. I like his solidity, it makes me melt into him more.
      He talks me through the different teams but I ultimately end up choosing my first instinct, Ravens. Obsessed with the Macabre remember? I can see a copy of 'The Raven' on my bookshelf from here.


     Caleb nearly hits me in the head cheering after his inevitable 3rd win.
     "Okay that was so not fair" I protest, I'm not broken up at all but not only do I love seeing him this special kind of victory-happy, I also love teasing him.
    "How was that not fair? I know football and you know video games, it's perfectly balanced" he retorts back with a smile. I've turned around to face him now, my legs crossed in front of me like a child. He slides his legs up to a bend in consequence, giving me more support.
     "I know football," I say, slinking my arms around the back of his neck "I've gone to games at least, and video game skills don't exactly come into play when I've never played the game before or any similar for that matter and-" I'm cut off by Caleb's lips on mine. I wrap my arms tighter around is neck, giving in. He pulls me closer too.
     I pause in my thoughts again. Caleb Michaels, football player, the boy in front of me in Latin, the guy known to beat up bullies, my boyfriend, is kissing me like he always does, and he tastes so good.
     He pulls away as I realize I haven't been breathing for long enough. That's something I don't think I'll ever get used to, getting so lost in Caleb that I forget a basic human function.
     "As much as I wanted to hear you talk, I wanted to do that even more" he says in a low voice (very hot). We laugh and our heads rest together, foreheads to noses. I become aware that my hand are crossed down the back of his shirt. I follow his hands, one grabbing my hip gently, the other on my thigh. I brace, hoping he doesn't feel any scars.
     "Hey what's wrong?" Right, can't hide your sudden fear and nervousness from your boyfriend when he can feel the same things.
     "You're gonna call me a liar if I say 'nothing' but I don't want you to worry" Im slumped against his chest now.
     "I'm always going to worry," he sounds like my mother. "But I'm going to give you some semblance of privacy from my fucked up head. Doesn't mean I won't be slightly annoyed with you until you tell me, but I still love you." Has he said that before? I think I would remember, the heat I feel spread down from his cheeks tells me no.
     I kiss him quick and gently, "I love you too," inhale. I think through my following actions for a millisecond. I bite my bottom lip slowly, then his.
     "Hey!" He pulls my hair in retaliation. (Hot.) When did his hand move to my head? We laugh as I grab onto the front of his t-shirt, and pull myself up to his face. He's slumped all the way on his back now, so I'm practically lying on top of him.
     It's a Saturday evening in late summer. A chill breeze makes its way through my window as the sun continues it's descent. Normally I would shiver, but it's impossible when I'm this close to Caleb. He's breathing slowly, lifting me up slightly with every inhale. My eyes are closed, head laying on his chest. My legs stretched out behind me, entangled with his.
     "I don't ever want to leave this moment" Shit did I say that outloud?
     "Me neither" oh, that turned out good then.

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