Chapter Ten

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"How Did The Date Go?" Poppy exclaims rushing into my office. "Did you back to his place?" Poppy gasps. "...did you sleep with him?"

I cleared my throat. " No we didn't-I..."

She's my best friend. I should tell her what happened. But I know Poppy, she'd probably freak out and try to help me out, which would cause everyone in the office to know what happened.

"Then what happened? Just dinner and small talk?" Poppy says almost like she's disappointed in me.

I shrugged. "Yeah. Pretty much."

Poppy rolls her eyes. "Brandy you're such a tease." She laughs leaning back into my chair.

My stomach turned. "...I'm not really a tease. R-right?"

She doesn't say anything for a minute. "You're just a little conservative at times. It wouldn't kill you to loosen up a bit. Are you really going to stay a virgin forever?"

Before I could say anything else, the phone rings. I gulped. "I need to get that-"

Poppy grabs my hand, stopping me from grabbing the phone. "If it's important they'll call back. Right now, we are having girl time."

"Oh Poppy. It doesn't work like that. I don't think Mr.Lockwood would appreciate me not answering the phone."

"He's a grown man. He can do it himself." Poppy shrugs. "Plus I was thinking that we sneak off to this beautiful brunch place down the street. I'm sure he won't mind."

I think otherwise. "Maybe I could meet you for lunch? Or work. I could stop by your place-"

"-I have a party to go too." Poppy interrupts me as she spins around in my chair. "You can come as my plus one. It's lingerie-themed!" She says kicking her feet up onto my desk. "Better Yet! Come to the mall with me and I'll help you pick something cute out!" Poppy gasps loudly hearing herself come up with his insane idea of hers. "You have to wear red. It's your color. Plus You're Going To Look So Hot!"

Lingerie party? You're basically naked the entire time. How is that fun? I shake my head. "It's okay. I'll pass. Another day?"

The phone rings again. Right before I could reach for the phone again, Poppy quickly picks up the phone, answering it. "Good Morning! Elijah Magazine. Brandy speaking. How can I help you?" Poppy smirks at me as she holds out her arm trying to keep me from grabbing the phone.

"Poppy. You can't be answering-"

"SHH! Brandy. I'm doing you favor." She whispers.

"Sorry, Mr.Lockwood is busy. Call back later...or never."

Oh no! "You shouldn't have done that. Th-that could have b-been really important. I-I...I could get in trouble Poppy!"

She laughs getting up from my chair. "Lighten up. Now you have some free time!" Poppy cheers picking up her bag. "Now we get some brunch and then off to the mall! Mr.Lockwood won't know that you left."

As much as I love Poppy, sometimes she gets to be a little too much. It's like she lacks any common sense. I know she means well, so I don't really say anything to her about it. I just keep quiet hoping that she will understand. Which usually works.

But not this time. "I really can't today. I can try to move some things around for tomorrow and-"

Poppy groans. "-can't tomorrow. I'm busy the rest of the week. Today is my only free day. Plus I miss you!" She complains.

"I miss you too Poppy. But I have work to do. Mr.Lockwood is very strict if things don't get done."

"You're being a bitch Brandy."

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