Chapter 1

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I knew I was dreaming right away when a memory started to play right before my very eyes and I became a spectator of my memory from the time I had almost died. I don't know exactly where it was, but I thought of it being a werewolf pack afterlife. I came to that conclusion because my mother, my grandparents, Jackson, and some other werewolves were all sitting around a campfire.  It was a memory that I would never forget and I continue to watch with tears in my eyes while hearing the same words being said to me again. "Have a least one totally epic love." 

The dream ends abruptly after those words are said and I wake up thinking about my mother's words and it help me to realize that Landon isn't the epic love that she wanted me to have. He was my first love and I realize with all the fighting, lying, him leaving, and the fact that my blood killed him...all leads to me now knowing he wasn't my epic love.  

Loud knocking on my bedroom door makes me open my eyes and I wonder if this is was what woke me from my dream. It doesn't matter since I'll never forget it that memory, but I'm curious who it can be since I didn't have any plans today, so I throw back my covers off then go to the door unlocking it. 

Alaric and Kaleb fully dressed when I open my door and I turn to look at my clock because its Saturday and its still dark in my room and on my clock reads 6:46 A.M. just before sunrise.

"What's so important that you have to wake me before the sun is up and not to mention that it's Saturday?" I ask looking back at them with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I realized that, which means I could've knocked much sooner, but I waited as long as I could so that you could get as much sleep as possible." Alaric says seeming to pause and I nod then wait for him to elaborate more because judging by what he said looks like he might want me to go somewhere since he is wearing traveling clothes. 

Alaric turns to Kaleb, so I turn to go make my bed while they think about what they are going to say as an excuse for waking me.

"Kaleb, why don't you go make sure you'll well fed and then meet us downstairs by the front door." Alaric tells him and I hear my door shut.  I finish with making my bed and turn to see if he's ready to finish explaining why he woke me up.

"There is an eighteen year old girl in Forks, Washington named Isabella Swan and she might be a Phoenix." Alaric explains and my eyes go wide hearing this and my thoughts quickly go to Landon since he was the only known Phoenix in existence.

"Is she?" I start to say and he shakes his head stopping me, but I still look at him with shock, and now confusion.

"She's not from Malivore. That was actually my first thought as well, but from the information I was given she apparently was a regular human for the most part and she was attacked and drained by her supposed mate-slash boyfriend who was a cold one. Her body was found in the woods a good distance behind her house and it was lucky that a Quileute shifter named Sam....who is the alpha of the tribe wolf shapeshifters that live on the reservation. When he found her lifeless body he witnessed her body start to smoke for no reason and he said that the flames weren't normal looking and that it didn't last long.  He said it was like her body was a perfect sculpture of ash and you know what happens next." Alaric explains and my eyes are still wide in shock and I can't help wonder what he meant when he said she was human for the most part. What is that suppose to me I wonder?

"Okay. What did you mean when you said she was a regular human for the most part and if she was the cold ones mate why did he kill her and not turn her?" I question knowing all about cold vampires and how they usually turn their mates and not kill them. It doesn't make any sense.

"From what I was told. Her boyfriend was a mind reader and he couldn't read her mind and she was explained to be somewhat of a supernatural magnet and was attacked last year and was even bit by a cold one who was then killed right after and her boyfriend sucked the venom out. I was also told that she was his singer and not his actual mate, which explains him draining and killing her." Alaric says answering my unsaid question and I go to my closet to start packing and get dressed because my interest is peaked now and I wonder if she is some how related to Landon or at least his birth mother.

"Are we going there to test her to confirm that? Because you know the only way to really test her is to kill her and see if she'll come back to life." I say grabbing my bag from my shelf and start pulling a few outfits together to put in my bag.

"I know, but she has me curious and I want to see if she is more than just a Phoenix. Cold ones are different vampires and I want to see if she can be compelled, I know Landon couldn't but we really don't know if that's a Phoenix trait or a Malvore trait."

I come out of the closet and bring my clothes and bag to my bed to fold everything and put it all in my bag.

"That makes sense." I reply and I look up at him seeing him smile.

"I thought it did too, so we will do the normal testing to see if she might be a hybrid of some sort or just a normal Phoenix." I nod and go to my bathroom to grab my toiletries that I'll need.

"What of her parents?" I ask and take my things to my bag.

"From what I was told they are appear to be human like she was. We really don't know all that much about Phoenixes and right now Landon isn't a real good reference to go by, but the whole coming back to life is identical to the way Landon did."

"Alright. Let me just use the bathroom and get changed and I'll meet you outside." I tell him zipping up my bag and going back to my closet to get clothes to change into.

"Okay, I'll get you some breakfast to go." Alaric says to me before opening the door and leaving.

I can't help but think that this girl is very interesting and I wonder who she got the power from and I find it pretty cool that she might be a hybrid. It will give us something in common.  Kind of!

I use the bathroom and do all my morning rituals and since I took a shower last night right after running through the woods in my wolf form I don't bother taking a shower. I finish in the bathroom pretty quick and get dressed and I'm out the door soon after.

Walking the halls is quiet and I'm not even sad that everyone gets to sleep in because I'm on my way to Washington to have a little adventure and it makes me think of my mother.

I'm having an adventure mom, I've never been to Washington before. I think to myself and I hope my mother can hear me as well.

When I get downstairs I see both Alaric and Kaleb standing near the door with their bags and Alaric has the to-go cup and a paper bag which he hands to me and I take them from him giving him a small smile.

"Does this girl know that we are coming?" I ask looking in the bag but whatever he got me is wrapper up.

"No, she doesn't.  In fact she doesn't even know that she died yet." Alaric says and my eyes widen as I look up at him.

"When did this happen to her?"

"A week ago today and the only thing she remembers was that he broke up with her and she isn't taking that well." He says answering me and we all put our bags inside the trunk and before Kaleb gets a chance I go to the front of the car and get into the front seat before he can.

Of course she isn't taking it well, I wouldn't either if I was human and I was told he was my mate and I would have had thoughts of being changed by him so that I could spend eternity with him. I don't have to worry about that of course, however, I did briefly worry about outliving Landon, but now that things are different with us I don't think like that anymore and it's time for me to move on. So, I'm glad for this trip, because it will allow me to do some deep thinking.

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