~Tommy meeting Michael~

317 5 0

Requested by: No one!

Ship: None!

Genre (?): Fluff

CW/TW:  a little bit of swearing (I mean it's Tommy what do we expect?)

Extra: Clingy Duo Oneshot! // Winged!Innit AU


"Trust me Tommy! You'll adore Michael!" said Tubbo, dragging Tubbo behind him. "Tubbo you're too fucking hyper!" groaned Tommy, letting himself be dragged to his bestfriend's house to meet his nephew (idk if that's correct?).  Tubbo burst through the door of his home in Snowchester, slightly startling his husband Ranboo. 

"Uh Tubbo? Is that Tommy with you?" asked the half enderman, peering behind Tubbo to see Tommy standing there awkwardly. "Hi Ranboo," said Tommy, offering an awkward smile. Ranboo smiled back. "Hi Tommy, I'm guessing Tubbo dragged you here to meet Michael?" Tommy nodded. "Well have fun, be careful though," smiled Ranboo turning back to what he  was doing. Tubbo smiled giddily at his husband before dragging Tommy to Micheal's room.

Tubbo opened the door softly. Michael ran over and hugged Tubbo's leg. Tommy closed the door behind him as Tubbo picked Michael up. "Micheal this is your uncle, Tommy!" smiled Tubbo. Tommy smiled awkwardly and waved. "Uh, hi Micheal," said Tommy. Tubbo beckoned Tommy to sit on the floor with him and Micheal. Micheal ran over to Tommy and pointed at his back. Tommy smiled softly and let his wings come out. Micheal sat and started stroking them softly. Tommy smiled before picking Micheal up. Placing Micheal on his lap, Tommy wrapped his wings around the small child, letting the small hooves (?) play with his feathers. Tubbo quietly got up and ran to get Ranboo. Tubbo walked back in with Ranboo. The half enderman smiled and leaned against the wall as Tubbo quietly awed at his son and bestfriend.


Alrighty! That was my first ever oneshot! Please do leave any tips or anything i could improve in the comments! Until next time, bye lovelies! 


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