"Yeah, that's a good idea we can aslo use golden decorations with that to enhance the look. Is that fine ?"

"That would be awesome."

We discussed the rest of the things like food and dress code things. After like an hour everything was fixed and we had already decided a venue. I just need to go and convey the whole plan to the others and get their approval, plus they will be there while all the preparations so the other amendments can be executed then.

"It was nice meeting you. And I have say you have a good sense of such things." Raphael complimented me.

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you to. See you at the site." I said.

"Ummm....If you wouldn't mind I would like to meet tou again. Would you like to meet for dinner tonight ?" He asked.

Whoa ! That was fast, like very fast. I wonder if I should go. I need to think. He is like a complete stranger. He sure is famous in Paris for his grand celebrations, mastery in his work and obviously for looks. I never had seen him before but now that I have seen him. He is hot, very hot. Like 'competition for Ryan' type hot.

"Okay, I need to think about it.'' I said honestly.

He took my phone, saved his number and said, "Text me your answer"

That was very abrupt. He could have asked for the phone. Raphael has some guts I must say. Talking to him for a while has made me feel that he is a bit proud of himself. But that's pretty obvious. He has got both, looks and works.

He left before I could answer.

I returned back to office a little bit shook from Raphael's behaviour with me. Later I forgot about it as I became busy with all the office stuff and loads of work.

I was lying on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking nothing. Ryan was off to meet some of his other school friends. I was alone and bored. I took my phone and started to scroll randomly through Instagram and that's when I saw some news about Raphael. Something about his net worth and stuff like that....

Oh shit ! I have to reply him regarding the dinner thing. I just forgot and didn't even have the time to think of it. I just texted him promptly...

Me: Hey....You up ?

Raphael: Yeah, just reached home.

Me:I was thinking that...

Raphael: What ? To come with me to dinner, right ?

Me: Yeah. Meet you in an hour. Is that fine with you ?

Raphael: That would be awesome.

I texted him my address. Now, he is too self absorbed. I mean why do you think I can't say no to you ? I really don't care if you are one of the richest and hottest event managers of Paris. All that matters is how nicely the party for Alex will come out to be. I didn't even acknowledge you since I have been to Paris and now suddenly I am going out on a dinner with you. I just said him 'yes' as I was bored as fuck ! I didn't really had anything else to do so why not just go to a dinner with a dickhead.

Nice....I have no idea what I am doing.

I just quickly change into jeans and a top paired with a jacket. I really don't care how I look right now. I am just going because I have nothing to do. I am fine being under dressed, whatever. I am just hungry and I feel very lazy.

After an hour I heard the doorbell ring.

It must be Raphael. I opened the door and what I saw baffled me. He was wearing a dark blue suit with white shirt and he looks so yummy I can't even describe. It took me a few seconds to realise that he was real. He handed me some flowers and said, "For you, now get ready fast please."

"I am ready. Let's go." I said.

"You are wearing this ?" He scrunched up his nose and pointed towards my clothes.

"What's wrong with this ? I am comfortable with it" I said genuinely.

"Ummm....Whatever. Please don't dress this way again." He said.

It was offensive now. He can't and will not tell me what to wear. So I replied, "I don't care if I sound rude but you will definitely not tell me what to wear Mr. Augustin and if at all you feel uncomfortable with me wearing this aroun you then, you are standing right at the doorstep just move around and led yourself down the stairs."

He gave a sly smile and said, "Ooo feisty I like it let's go."

He took my hand and I had no other choice but to follow.

I am so annoyed by this man !!


Thank you for reading !!

-Love Yaa

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