A royal dilemma.

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Damon and Elijah
Background information:
Royal AU. Ok so my best friend LOVES royal AUs me... not so much. Damon is 18, Stefan is 10, Elijah is 21. Freya is 23 and Rebekah is 15. The Mikaelsons are the royal family and Giuseppe is hosting them. (1864)

Damon groaned when he heard the roosters call, he turned to his side in attempts to block it.
He heard his younger brother call, running into his room he felt someone jump into his bed then thump onto his chest. Damon rolled over and sat up.
"Pray tell what are you on about stef."
He asked his hyperactive brother.
Stefan said excitedly. Damon plastered a fake smile on his face for his brother
"Just like the stories."
He smiled at Stefan, he wasn't going to burst his brother's bubble. The royal family was full of pompous dicks, and his father was also one and the only intent of the visit was politics. Damon knew that. Stefan ran off excitedly, Damon sighed and got up. Great time to put on his hosting shoes. All the maids were out of town, Giuseppe does nothing and Stefan is merely a child which means technically Damon was hosting the entire royal family, under his fathers name. Their father was still asleep, Damon could cook without being belittled by his father. He began preparing food for the royals, Stefan followed his brother, Damon sat him on the counter.
"So stef, what's it going to be?"
He asked his brother. Stefan thought about it for a long time.
He exclaimed excitedly.
"Stefan... I CAN'T make chocolate cake for the ROYAL FAMILY."
Damon exasperated. Stefan looked away and started thinking.
"You're right you have to make something fancy,"
He thought
Stefan said excitedly, Damon laughed at his brother before nodding.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT. I, as your king, order you to prepare the meal."
Stefan pointed at his brother. Damon chuckled before bowing,
"Of course your highness."
Stefan laughed before running off. Their father awoke after a while and said nothing as Damon prepared for the guests, Damon had just finished up without a proper chance to get ready.  He went to his room and changed into a white shirt and a pair of trousers with black overalls and his hat. He went downstairs
"Damon what is this utterly childish joke your brother is making,"
Giuseppe asked, glaring angrily at Stefan, Stefan was backed away in the corner. Damon rushed over and hugged his brother
"Father please he is just a child."
Damon said as their father went to attack Stefan. Damon shielded his brothers body and took the hit of the belt. He took the 12 strikes biting back his tears, protecting Stefan.
"Change the pest. I do not want to be embarrassed."
Damon nodded,
"Yes father."
He looked down avoiding eye contact. Taking Stefan to his room. First Damon changed his shirt.
"Stef you can't wear that."
Damon stated
"I'm sorry Damon. I didn't want our father to tell you off or hurt you."
Stefan looked down. Damon brought his brother's chin up.
"It's fine, besides I think you look pretty cool."
He removed the crown on Stefan's head.
He exclaimed, Damon ruffled his hair.
"Woah easy there little brother at least meet the GIRL first. Besides, she's royal. But I am sure you can get  her.'
Damon chuckled at his brother. The moment was ruined with the sound of fanfare. Damon sighed,  hiding his fathers strikes, and walking out with Stefan besides him clutching his hands. The horse and carriage came with the royal family, this was ridiculous, Damon stood next to his father with a fake smile plastered on his face. The king Mikael stepped out followed by his queen Esther, their oldest children prince Finn and princess Freya stepped out with them as elegant as ever, the princess was a true beauty everyone was mesmerised. As the four came up to Giuseppe, Damon and Stefan bowed down.
"Giuseppe Salvatore."
The king greeted
"King Mikaelson"
His father greeted. The king rolled his eyes.
"Come on Giuseppe THATS no way to greet an old friend."
He smiled, Giuseppe chuckled and they hugged. The f- Damon thought. Do we know the royal family??? Right of course we do. The king came up to Damon and fondly slapped him on his shoulders, grabbing them and squeezing. Damon tried not to wince as the lashes from his fathers belt were on that spot.
"Damon, I met you when you were just a boy of 8 years old. You have grown into a fine young man."
Mikael chuckled. Damon put on a fake smile,
"Ahh Stefan, I met you when you were just a babe."
Mikael went up to Stefan.
"Woah. You know me?"
Stefan asked, mesmerised. The king laughed.
"Of course. And I see you are following in the footsteps of your brother. Your father should be proud of you both."
Damon snorted quietly, hoping to not be caught by his father. The next carriage arrived and out came another four people, they walked towards their father and mother. Once again Damon and Stefan bowed.
"These are my boys, kol, Niklaus, Henrik, and my young girl Rebekah."
Mikael introduced.
Stefan grinned excitedly. He was mesmerised by her. She laughed and crouched down to his height.
"A pleasure to meet you."
She kissed his cheek. Stefan looked like he would faint. Damon thought that was all of them.
"Please come in. We welcome you to our house. I'm sure it is nothing like your castle but it is cozy. We hope you enjoy-."
Damon was interrupted by a rich and exotic voice.
"Father, if we wish to be in New Orleans in time we can only stay here for three nights."
A young male, who couldn't be older than his early 20s emerged from the carriage, all business with no time to play, Damon watched him walk and stride.
"Ahh, meet my son Prince Elijah, he is my 3rd oldest kid, but he shall be king."
Mikael brought Elijah forward. Damon was confused,
"But how?"
He asked.
"I mean, no offence but I thought only the oldest can become the ruler."
He said. Elijah looked up and met his eye, Damon started hard at him. Admiring the man's beauty, before diverting his own attention.
"You are correct but both Finn and Freya have denied the throne as there is none better than Elijah to be our king."
Mikael said proudly and Elijah smiled at his father. Great, that means Elijah needs more respect than the rest. This is going to be the death of Damon.
"As I was saying earlier, please do come in."
Damon smiled. Mikael laughed heartidly, throwing his arm around Damon's shoulder.
"You always had this slight snark. Let us go in."
Damon winced and he thought no one saw, till he saw Elijah, PRINCE Elijah looked at him with a look of curiosity, he rolled his eyes at him and the prince raised an eyebrow, clearly his privileged ass isn't used to people like himself, Damon thought. They sat around the table, Damon had previously set the table. He only had wine, beer znd bourbon out with glasses, as that's what everyone wants first. They spoke.
"Aah Damon, my daughter Freya, she is 5 years older than you. The real reason we came is to ask for your hand in her marriage."
The king brought up. While they were eating the fancy cheese that was on the table. Damon choked a bit on the cheese piece.
"I'm sorry, pardon me?"
He asked
"Well Damon you are a good kid we know you, we think Freya will be happy with you. Plus it is your chance into the Royal Family."
Esther the queen smiled. The princess wasn't a problem. Damon felt attracted to men not women. Romantically he feels he'd be happier with a man, and he can not hurt nor lie to the princess.
"Princess Freya is truly beautiful but I cannot marry her. There has to be better options than myself, perhaps another Prince. I am honoured but it would be just wrong."
Damon said. The princess smiled intrigued by Damon.
"Mama, papa, it is fine. We can find another suitor. I wish to be friends with him, I like how he doesn't worship us but still respects us."
The princess stated.
"Father what else did you expect asking a city boy to marry into Royalty. Of course he said no, some people can't handle that kind of responsibility."
Elijah said, Damon scoffed, rolling his eyes openly at him.
"Well I'm sorry your entitled self can not accept that people have genuine reasons to say no."
Damon snapped now in pain as he felt his scars opening and blood leaking,
"Wow, I can not believe how disrespectful you are."
Elijah said shaking his head.
Giuseppe said after hearing Elijah's words. Damon visibly flinched
"Sorry father I wasn't trying to-"
Damon said to end the topic
"You don't try to do anything, you're just useless."
Giuseppe smashed a bottle across Damon's head. Everyone gasped in the room.
Mikael shouted. Giuseppe pushed Damon in to a chair his head hit the wood hard. Damon hissed. Blood dripping down his head and face.
Mikael said standing up his family followed. Giuseppe looked annoyed, Damon knew it would be taken out on him.
"One of our maids is back. I'll have her set the table for dinner, please eat and stay, I insist. I'll be back."
Damon said through pain. He looked up and saw a flash of guilt in Elijah's eyes. Everyone else stood silently watching. Stefan began crying before screaming.
Stefan screamed. The queen gasped. Giuseppe laughed warily
"Haha. Stefan of course I don't. Come my boy. I love you and Damon of course. This was a mistake."
Giuseppe pretended to try hug Stefan. But Stefan shouted no and walked backwards. Freya wrapped her arms around the small boy and Klaus, Kol and Finn all stepped forward in front of Giuseppe.
"He always does this. He hit Damon today morning too. Damon was trying to protect me. Or he would've hit me. Yesterday he hurt Damon. He does things to Damon every day and Damon pretends to be so brave."
Stefan said in a timid voice.
The king said. Giuseppe left promptly. Rebekah hugged Stefan.
"Everything will be fine now. You can stay with us now."
Rebekah said
"In your magical kingdom and castle."
Stefan asked excitedly in awe. Rebekah chuckled and looked up at her parents for permission who smiled and nodded before nodding her head. Stefan gasped and jumped about excitedly before suddenly stopping.
"What's wrong?"
Esther asked.
"What about Damon. I can't leave without Damon. He's my older brother."
Klaus laughed.
"Of course not silly. Damon will come with us. You both will."
The rest of the family murmured in agreements. Stefan cheered. They all laughed at the sweetness of this child.
"Someone needs to tell Damon what has happened."
Kol reminded them. Elijah jumped up
"I'll do it."
They looked at him curiously,
"I... also owe him an apology,"
He said.
"Stefan, which one is his room?"
Stefan thought about it for a while
"Third one on the left when you go upstairs."
He said, Elijah nodded before making his way upstairs. He knocked on the door.
"I already apologised father and you've done your worst. Please just leave father, there is nothing else you can do."
He said. Elijah felt clouded with guilt. He just sounded so broken and alone, so afraid. Elijah opened the door slightly
"Hey, erm not your father."
Elijah said, Damon stood up
"Prince Elijah, of course, sorry."
Damon bowed, he felt light headed,
"You needn't. DAMON?"
Elijah saw Damon about to collapse and caught him in time. Damon felt himself losing consciousness
"Hey hey hey. Stay awake. Look at me. You're ok I got you."
The prince set Damon on the bed. He cleaned the back of Damon's head and Damon was wincing.
"You don't have to do this."
Damon said
"I kind of do. I was a dick today, your father hit you because of me."
The prince said. He used stitches on his head and Damon unintentionally gripped onto his leg, Elijah didn't comment on it. They stayed silent. Once the prince was done, he brought his hand to Damon's face and wiped a fallen tear. Damon coughed
"Thank you. You can go now."
Damon said, shutting the prince out.
"My father exiled Giuseppe."
Damon looked shocked.
"I've studied medicinal science, let me clean your wounds."
The prince said. Damon nodded slowly. Elijah took ethanol and cotton. He cleaned his forehead. Then he put a bit of thick padded cotton with tape on it. Damon's shirt was bloodied because the cracks from the morning had opened.
"I'm sorry about today, I had no right."
The prince began, Damon shook his head
"It's fine, you've already made up for it."
Damon said
"We want you to come live with us."
Elijah dropped the bomb.
"With Stefan of course. Both you and Stefan, we invite you to join us."
Elijah finished, Damon looked confused
"Prince Elijah it is an honour but this is my childhood home. I grew up here and I can't abandon it."
Damon explained
"Please. Call me Elijah. Besides you won't be abandoning it, you'll always come back and it will be in the best conditions. The offer is for the benefit of you and Stefan."
Elijah continued to convince him. Damon considered it,
"Can we always come back home?"
He asked, Elijah nodded, Damon sighed before agreeing. Elijah noticed Damon's shirt.
"May I?"
Elijah asked. Damon nodded slowly. Elijah unclipped the overalls and brought them off.
"How long has your dad been hitting you?"
He asked, breaking the silence as they sat close to each other.
"My whole life."
Damon shrugged
"And you never said anything?"
Elijah asked,
"He hit me because I always said things."
Damon grinned, the prince smiled, shaking his head. He unbuttoned Damon's shirt and slipped it off. He sucked in a breath at the fresh slashes and bleeding wound. He stopped the blood and cleaend the dried blood.
"You didnt tend to these?"
Elijah asked.
"I had no time."
Damon replied, his skin heating under the prince's touch. Elijah left the room leaving Damon shirtless and confused but not for long as he came back up.
"This is a healing paste. Mother carries it, legend has it, it's from a witch. You should heal instantly."
Elijah handed him the cream. Damon thanked him.
"I should go."
The prince said. Damon didn't want him to go. They started off on bad terms but ... the prince was a good man.
He exclaimed, the prince turned around.
"Erm, can you... if you don't mind?"
Damon asked, looking down, holding the paste. Elijah stared silent, a man and a man is wrong, it is forbidden. But wait, this was just him helping out so why was he thinking of that, all he had to do was help Damon someone he didn't even know, so what was this weird feeling in his chest, that made him nervous around the man that clouded him with desire, this feeling which left images and thoughts of his limbs wrapped under sheet synchronised in a choreographic sequence with another... another man, the soft fragile man sitting before him. A feeling of hunger and power to have him crying his name or for him to cry the others name. Lust. but he can not act on his desire and give in to this deadly sin, yet he had already screwed up with Damon, so saying no would cause further damage. He is a prince, his role is to help his people, Damon among them he couldn't let his selfish desire and lust get in between that.
"Oh, yes sure."
Elijah said. He walked towards the bed. He took the paste on to his hand and started with his shoulder, he smeared it across the cut. He repeated it across his arms and stomach. Another cut was on his chest across his nipple. Elijah began smearing it across his chest. He stopped near his nipple, he looked up at Damon who was breathing heavily. Damon didn't stop him, rather moved closer. Elijah pressed his hand on his chest.
"I'm royalty, you are not. I am also a man."
Elijah said.
"No strings. Besides, you're just helping me."
Damon leaned closer and whispered. Elijah rubbed his thumb lightly across his nipple. Damon threw his head back lightly. Elijah smeared the paste in circles. Rubbing. Damon urging him to continue.  Elijah moved back
"I'm sorry. I - I can't. It's wrong"
The prince said. Damon held his wrist.
"Is it? Does it feel wrong? Does this feel wrong."
Damon pressed his lips to his, arching his back lifting his head, he cupped his jaw. Elijah stayed frozen letting himself enjoy the moment. He pulled away.
"Damon, no. I - I liked this but I can't."
He walked out of the room. When he walked downstairs everyone watched him.
"Damon's fine so much better than fine, like really really ho-. He will be fine."
Elijah said. Stefan ran up to his brother's room excitedly.
"Father I was thinking, of course with your permission I spend 5 years in Europe."
Elijah said.
"Why, of course you may but the Salvatores will need to be hosted."
Mikael began
"They'll have you. Their current king."
Elijah said Mikael nodded, giving him permission despite his confusion. His siblings protested, Elijah said goodbye to them.
"You're going now?"
Klaus asked. Elijah nodded,
"It's for the best."
They turned to footsteps.
"You're leaving?"
Damon asked, Elijah nodded
"I have to."
Damon scoffed,
"Stef and I are ready to go."
He said. They all made their separate ways back to the castle. Damon was annoyed and angry at Elijah, all the signs pointed that he wanted it as much as he did.

*5 years later.*
"Hey babe."
Damon felt two familiar arms on his shoulder. He smiled, bringing them in front of him and pressing their lips together. He was pushed away.
"Someone will see us."
Damon wrapped his arms around their waist.
"We are to be wedded. My royal highness."
He grinned.
"Which means you will be respectful,  my future prince."
He felt a peck on his lips, he smiled. Twirling the one he loved in front of him,
"Of course."
He bowed.
"Elijah is returning today, for the wedding."
Damon turned.
"Oh. I didn't expect his presence."
Damon said,
"His Europe trip is done."
Damon nodded,
"You don't have to do this, marry me because you feel like you owe my family."
Damon wrapped his arms around the woman in front of him
"Freya, 5 years ago it would've been that but not anymore. I love you, truly and I want to marry you."
Damon said.
"And Elijahs return wouldn't affect that."
Damon whipped his head around.
"I saw how you interacted. I figured something had happened."
Freya explained.
"It won't. Whatever happened with Elijah was 5 years ago. Today evening I can't think of anyone else I'd rather marry."
Damon said. Freya smiled and kissed him. They deepened the kiss and freya began unbuttoning his shirt, Damon opened her hair.
"Damon Freya, Elijah is back. SORRY."
Stefan walked in with Elijah following. Stefan covered his eyes. They pulled away. Elijah plastered a small respectful smile on his face.
Freya fixed her hair and clothes  running up to him and hugging him
He hugged back with a huge smile on his face.
"Omg you have gone so mature."
She commented.
"Look at you. You're getting married, sister."
Elijah smiled at her fondly. Freya nodded,
"I am."
She showed him the ring. Elijah kissed her forehead.
"I'll see you at the ceremony tonight."
Freya said before running out. Elijah walked into the room, Damon bowed
"My future lord."
Elijah shook his head
"Please don't do that. Don't treat me like a stranger."
He frowned. Damon chuckled
"What are you then? What do you want me to treat you as? A friend, foe, or perhaps a lover."
Damon spat bitterly.
"Damon I-."
Elijah began.
"I don't want to hear it Elijah."
Damon said.
"I was wrong. 5 years ago Damon I was wrong. I shouldn't have run away. I was scared of how I felt."
Elijah explained,
"But you did. It doesn't matter now. We were kids then. We're older now."
Damon dismissed him.
"Do you truly wish to marry Freya?"
Elijah asked.
"Of course I do. I love her."
Damon scoffed.
"Ok. But if I'm any way you feel inclined to help my family, know that you do not have to do thi-."
Elijah explained.
"you don't get to that. That's not fair. You can't just waltz in here after 5 years and try to control everything again. Yes I was falling for you, but that was in the past. I truly love Freya now and will marry her. Like hell you're going to stop that. Also your "family", I am not paying a debt, I'm doing it because they're also mine."
Damon said he began walking out, Elijah grabbed his arm and turned him to face him, their faces barely distanced away from each other.i
Damon spoke
"I'm sorry I didn't kiss you back that day. I wanted to."
Elijah whispered
"Whatever. You didn't."
Damon said. Elijah let go of his life.
"Go. live your life. Be happy with Freya and keep her happy,"
Elijah said. Damon walked out and went downstairs. That was it. Sometimes in life circumstances don't allow those who are destined to be together to actually be together. And it hurts and sucks but you get over it. It's not impossible to love another. And so Damon wedded Freya, him and Elijah spoke not another word of what had happened 5 years ago. In the years they lived and ruled, all were happy.

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