"I'll do what I think is right. It's por who had fixed this marriage against my will. So, now I'll do what I feel is right. It should be Pete who should call off this wedding and not me. So, if he doesn't call it off, I will make him suffer!!" Ohm spat. Ae was so angry that he grabbed Ohm's collar, "Try to hurt him once and I'll tell mae and por about everything that has happened." Ae threatened.

"So, now the kitten started to show claws? Don't forget Ae that whatever you do will hurt por and mae so think before you tell them anything. And as for Pete, I am least bothered to spare him a look. And let me tell you one thing, even if I marry him, I will never have any feelings for him." Ohm declared while pulling off Ae's hands from his collar.

Ae glared at him and spoke, "I'll make sure that this wedding is cancelled and Pete never has to marry someone like you. I feel ashamed to call you my brother. You are heartless." Ae stomped away without sparing another glance at Ohm.

Even though Ohm managed to act cool, he knew that Ae was really serious when he spoke those words. He had never seen this side of Ae – angry, furious and more like a predator. He had seen his brother's happy side and seeing the protective and angry side of Ae had got chills over his body. He somehow managed to get into his car and drove off.

Ae was back to the room where Pete was admitted. Patchara was speaking to him and Ae heard that Pete was narrating the incident. Pete had been praising Ae all the time saying that he was there in time to save him. Patchara could clearly see the excitement in Pete's eyes as he spoke about Ae.

Ae entered the room and smiled at Pete. Patchara got up from the bed and walked towards Ae and pulled him into hug. "Thank you Ae, thank you for saving my son." She said while patting Ae's back. Ae could feel the emotions of the mother as she was thanking him.

"Aunt, I will never let anyone harm Pete." Ae promised. Patchara nodded and walked out of the room telling that she was going to get something to eat. Pete looked at Ae and gestured him to come close. Ae did as Pete asked and went and sat next to him on the bed.

"You cried.." Pete whispered. "I was scared to death when I saw you bleeding. I can't afford to lose you Pete. You are my l........ best friend." Ae corrected himself quickly before uttering the word love. He didn't want to say it before he was clear about Pete's feelings for him.

After spending two days at hospital, Pete was given discharge and he finally returned home. All this time, Ae was there with him.

Patchara was concerned about her son marrying Ohm, something seemed off every time Ohm took Pete out. She thought of speaking to her husband before they take any further steps regarding this marriage.

"Putch, I think we should not rush with Pete's wedding." Patchara spoke. "What makes you think so love? Is there anything bothering you?" Putch asked as he made himself comfortable next to his wife. "Yes!! Have you seen how Ohm behaves with Pete. Even when there was this attack, it was Ae who saved Pete and not Ohm. Also Ae was worried about Pete and Ohm seemed to not even care for it. I feel scared when I think about Pete spending his life with Ohm. I don't feel that Ohm will protect him the same way we all do." Patchara spoke her concern.

"You think Ae and Pete .......?" Putch trailed at the end. "I don't know. But if you ask me, there is no one more suitable for Pete than Ae." Patchara replied. "I know, I can understand. But we need to know about both their feelings before we come to any conclusion. I'll speak with Sun regarding this matter and will sort this out. I promise to you that I'll never force Pete to marry Ohm. And I'll think about how to talk to Mr. Intouch regarding this. Just give me some time." Putch assured. Patchara felt relieved after having spoken to her husband about her doubts. For her, the safety of her son was more important.

Ae's visits to Pitchaya mansion were more frequent and everyone was happy to welcome him. Patchara would ask Ae to stay overnight but Ae always denied since he also had to look after the work. He was not always free form work. But having father and elder brother take care of the matters did spare him lot of free time and he spent it all with Pete.

After the incident at beach, Ae had filed the complain. Soon, the culprits were arrested and put behind the bars.

Yim started to hate Ohm after the beach trip. Whenever she heard anyone say his name, she would tell them he was bad uncle. She even started to call him so and Deli had to scold her. But even after the scolding, the little girl would not give up calling him 'bad uncle'.

Everything was getting back to normal. Pete's wound was healed and he didn't had to wear a bandage. He would spend most of his time painting as Sun and Putch had asked him to take rest for few days.

Ae was back to routine and was regular with his work. He would spend his weekdays at work and the weekend would pass with Yim and Pete. Yim kept reminding Pete his promise of ice-cream till they finally made a visit to ice-cream parlor for satisfying this little princess.

Ae's relation with his brother was strained and he was avoiding talking to him. Even the parents could feel the tension between the two but they didn't dare say a word. They knew very well that it would have been some serious matter otherwise Ae wouldn't have ceased to talk with his brother.

On other hand, Ohm was trying to spark a conversation with his younger brother but all the efforts went in vain as Ae would leave immediately. Ohm could feel the change in attitude of Ae towards him. But he never knew that Ae would go to this extent if anything happened to Pete.

After warning Ohm last time at the hospital, Ae was trying to avoid having any talk with him. He knew very well that he will not be able to control himself and their parents would come to know about everything. He was keeping quiet for the sake of his parents.

Ae was back from work and was lying on his bed trying to relax. His cell phone dinged getting all his attention. Ae unlocked it and saw a message from Ping - Meet me tomorrow at LS mall. I have a surprise for you. And yes, get Pete along.

Ae just texted him okay and tossed his cell phone aside and closed his eyes. He needed some rest after having spent many days with worries. He then remembered what Ping has messaged and hurriedly grabbed his cell phone to call Pete.

Pete was fast to answer the call. Ae told him about Ping inviting them both to meet him at LS mall. Pete agreed to it making Ae feel cheerful for getting time to spend with Pete.

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