She pushed Wooyoung with her might but he was stronger. Tears began trimming around her eyes. She kicked him in where you know causing he fell down clutching there. Y/N ran out the room with tears and shaking body. She never feel so humilated before, not like this. She feel disgusted with her body after being touched with those filthy hand.

She could hear his footsteps behind her and she fastened her speed. She needs help. She needs him.

She arrived at the field and run straight towards the basketball court earning some glances from other students. She run straight towards him who seem waiting for his friend to pass the ball to him. She doesn't care if she disturbed their practice. She desperately need help.

She hugged him before burst into tears. Jihoon was shocked by the sudden hug turned to his right and found Y/N who had red puffy eyes. She stared at him as her eyes screams for help. He reluctantly hugged her back. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked Y/N who tighten the hug. She looks terrified.

"H-help me." She stutters. Jihoon was surprised by her pleading as he held her closer. He rubbed her back to calm her down before telling the team to stop practice. They sat on the floor of the court.

He looked at her wrist which already forming a bruise. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Who did this to you?" Y/N was still sniffling in his arm, slightly feeling sorry that she wet his jersey with her tears. "W-w--" She was cut off by the voice who she didn't wish to hear now.

"Ryu Y/N!"

She tighten the hug on Jihoon's body and started to cry again. She keep shaking her head unceasingly as Jihoon turned his attention to the voice when he saw Jung Wooyoung running towards them. He couldn't help but clenched his jaw.

"Did you do this to her?" He asked sternly. He was furious but Jung Wooyoung just smile innocently. "Just had our moment in the sports equipment-"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY GIRLFRIEND?" Jihoon had lose his patience at this moment. He shouted at Wooyoung who actually looked rather surprised by his sudden outburst. Jihoon was known as a tolerance guy, but when someone did trigger him, he would do anything to make the person suffers.

Y/N who's still under his arm also stunned by his statement. He just call her his girlfriend. Y/N could feel the whole zoo inside her stomach, but she knows it wasn't the right time to feel it.

"Is this why you are late for practice?" Jihoon asked Wooyoung who remained silent. The reason he's always late because he hates Jihoon, he hates it when the coach praise him. Wooyoung stared at him with pure hatred. 

He took a step closer to the pair making Y/N whimpered. Jihoon looked down at her, his eyes suddenly glimpsed on her thigh which had a red palm print. Jihoon looked at Wooyoung. "Did you harrased her?" His anger started to control him. 

He just feel like he have to protect her, starting from this moment.

Wooyoung let out a scoff but he didn't deny the fact that he was the one who causes the red palm print. Jihoon secured his arms around Y/N who had passed out. "WHY DID IT HAS TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND? WHY DID YOU HARRASED HER?"

In meantime, the teachers and the principal arrived at the scene. The teachers gasped at Y/N's condition in Jihoon's arm. "What's going on? What happened to Y/N?" He took a look at her wrist. "Jung Wooyoung harrased her in the sports equipment room, sir." The principal look at culprit with dissapointed face.

Wooyoung just stand there with a poker face, looking like he doesn't even causes that scene. "We will take this to my office. Now bring Y/N to the medical room." The principal ushered Jihoon who sprinted while carrying Y/N's lifeless figure.

"Please be fine Y/N.."

Jihoon took a chair and sit beside the bed with Y/N who looks so pale. What just happened really had a huge impact on her. He held her hand before caressing it as he looked at her tenderly, not caring that his heart was beating so hard.

He knew that he's falling for Y/N.

Y/N started to stirring and opened her eyes. She look at her side to Jihoon who was smiling at her. She sat up slowly. "How are you feeling?" He asked her softly. The incident came into her mind again. She still can't believe that it actually happened to her. 

She shuddered at the thought and look at Jihoon with a small smile. "Thank you. Thank you for saving me from him." Y/N couldn't express how thankful she is towards Jihoon, even small things that he did makes her jittery.

Jihoon chuckled at her. "It doesn't matter. As long as you're safe and sound." He stared at their hands which was still intertwining, Y/N didn't even bother to let go.

"Don't worry. Wooyong had been expelled from this school under sexual harrasment and made a girl pregnant underage." Jihoon explained to Y/N what happened in the principal's office earlier.

Y/N squeezed Jihoon's hand as another thank you, slightly enjoying each other company. They started to open up with talking and joking to make the atmosphere brighter. Y/N looked at the clock on the wall that stated 5:30p.m. "We should get going. Yedam might growing beard while waiting for me." Jihoon chuckled at her remark.

"Yedam had went home. I asked him to take your belongings and car. I will take you home."

Both of them proceed their way to Jihoon's car. As time passed by, they arrived at her house. They stepped out the car and stand in front of the porch. Y/N looked Jihoon before englufed him into a hug.

"Thank you once again for saving me." Jihoon hugged her back and give her small kisses on the head. They did this like they have been together for years. The couple let go of each other and bid good bye. He waited for her to get into the house and proceed his way back.

He couldn't help but smile at the incidents that happened today. "Geez Y/N, What have you done to me?" Jihoon mumbled to himself with a grin on his face.

Y/N on the other side couldn't stop smiling. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Yedam abruptly popped out from the kitchen. "Don't scare me like that!" She hit him on his arm. She looked around the house since there's no sign of her mother.

"Oh, aunty had fly to America. She said she will follow uncle. She might not be back." Yedam said while munching his snacks. Y/N just nodded and went to her bedroom cause she was exhausted. She sent her mom a text as Mrs. Ryu was worried that Yedam come home without her.

With that she let her body slammed on her bed and proceed towards her dreamless sleeping.

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