chapter 7

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As the situation was about to escalate, due to my short temper, Miss Bianchi entered the room, so I quickly calmed tried to mask my anger and appear calm and peaceful.

I'm not sure if I managed to do that, but at least I tried.

I stood up up and walked closer to Victoria, making it seem like we were fine. Like I wasn't definitely about to smack her just moment ago.

"Alright girls, today I'm feeling nice, so I'll let you do your homework so you don't have too much in the afternoon." she informed.

Did she calm down all out of suddenly? Good for me I guess, miracles really do happen.

"Could I go home? I can do my work in my own room, I don't see a point in staying here" Victoria provoked the teacher.

"Oh so you want to work? Because I could always give you something to do" she replied, putting her hands on her hips and raising her voice's volume slightly.

I tried to punch Victoria's arm in order to shut her up before she said anything stupid and made me work at the school uselessly.

"No Miss, we'll be fine doing homework" I responded, trying to sound collected

Miss Bianchi's facial expression relaxed as she added "Good. You're learning manners I see, teach them to your little friend too, she definitely needs it" before heading back to her other classroom.

I quickly closed the door and faced the blonde haired girl.

"What the actual fuck? Cant you behave for once? " I yelled at her, moving my arms theatrically, probably from exasperation.

"Ugh calm down, she's a big girl, I'm sure she'll be fine." she answered without even looking at me.

"Also" she continued "you're the one who started attacking me right before she came in, now you wanna play the good girl?"

Okay. She's officially pissed me off now.

"Are you really proud of yourself? Are you really proud of winning? By stealing somebody else's work?" I bellowed. I had completely lost it by now.

"I had my reasons." she looked down at her shoes, somehow trying not to meet my eyes.

"Well, enjoy what you won with deception, I'm sure it's hard to sleep at night knowing about how jealous you are of my skills" I fumed.

I took my book and put my backpack over my right shoulder, leaving the room with noisy, angry footsteps before Victoria could have any type of reaction to my words.

I had to get away, I didn't even want to think about her or what she did to me, I just needed to go home.

I went to Miss Bianchi's classroom and started pretending to be sick. At first she didn't believe me but then I somehow convinced her.

Note to self: if my career as a bassist doesn't take off, become an actress.

I walked as fast as I could and eventually got home. I took the keys out of the bag and unlocked the door.

"Oh Era! You're early! Would you like to help me bake some muffins?" my mothers thoughtful, soft voice filled my ears as she heard the door unlocking.

I really loved my mother. We always had such a wonderful relationship together.

Baking muffins was our way to bond and spend time doing something productive and delicious. Life was busy and everything is fleeing but not my mother.

Today though, I just wanted to be alone so I told her I had a lot of homework to do.

She looked saddened from hearing my words, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to be with her.

I needed to be alone.

I needed to think.

I felt pure rage and hatred towards Victoria.

Everytime I thought about her and what she had done to me, I'd feel my blood boiling inside of my veins.

Its natural flow was being interrupted by that absolute disgust I felt.

I wish she'd see what she had done to me. I wish she had given an explanation. I wish I could stop thinking so obsessively about her.

Was I maybe jealous of her?

My train of thoughts completely stopped as this question popped in my mind and I sat down on my bed in shock.

Was I? Could it be?

Word count: 725
Guys I'm sorry if this sucks and if updates are so slow, but I've been working so much here in Lisbon and I also want to enjoy my time here since I won't be staying for too long and trying to write on top of it is kinda heavy.
I'm  so sorry😭💖
Thanks for the support and for over 4k reads on my imagines book OMG (I promise I'll update that one too)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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