chapter 4

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I eventually got sick and tired of working alone, so I went to the bathroom to look for Victoria.

"Listen, I'm sorry for triggering your allergy but you can't stay here all day, we still have to finish to organize the books and you must work too." you explained, looking for an occupied stall.

A strange smell made its way to my nostril. It was disgusting and intoxicating, really made me wonder what was going on.

As I tried to open the fourth door and it didn't work, I knew that that was the bathroom she was in.

I knocked once as I started to get irritated each passing second.

Second knock: nothing.

Third knock: nothing.

"Victoria open this fucking door, I know you're in there" I cursed, my tone firm and probably it would've been perceived as rude, but can you blame me?

I had already stacked over 20 books by myself and I wasn't the only one who was supposed to be in detention. She had no right to be such a pretentious little bitch.

Gosh, how much I despised her.

By my surprise, the door fell open and I saw Victoria sitting on the floor, smiling at me, her eyes covered by her sunglasses. A fuming cigarette in her hand.

"What the fuck?" I yelled widening my eyes "Is this what you do in the schools bathroom instead of helping me out?" I was starting to get furious.

I expected her to be at least sorry and apologize but her reaction was completely different than that. She stood up, and started laughing. Right in my face.

"If you think that is a cigarette, you're dumber than you look" she expressed, while waving the "cigarette" at me.

I gasped at her choice of words and as I was about to snap at her, she put a finger on my lips.

"Shhhh... don't bother, I know you hate me for what I did to you, and the competition, and blablabla... but please, I'm high as a kite right now and I just want to chill" she continued, starring into my eyes as if she was looking to find something in there.

Whereas the only thing I saw was my own reflection in her black shades. I wanted to look at her though, I wanted to see the evil she had in those orbs.

I slapped her hand away from my face and sternly insisted "I don't care, you come help me De Angelis, now."

I noticed she had raised her eyebrows since they looked higher than the glasses' rims.

"Or what?" she cockily asked.

I slightly opened my opened my mouth, even more shocked by her question. What was I even supposed to respond to that?

I guess she noticed how embarrassed I looked, either from my furrowed eyebrows or the mouth placement or even the reddish tone that suddenly had painted my cheeks.

"Alright then" she smirked "I'll come help you with your books from the Cretaceous, but I don't want to speak a word" she continued, pointing the finger towards me and moving it up and down, while tilting her head to the right.

"That's exactly what I wanted" I added, finally relived.

As I made my way back from the bathroom with De Angelis right behind me, I noticed a figure standing right at the door.


Miss Bianchi.

Her right leg was crossed over the other one, she was leaning against the door and she kept banging her heel against the floor, resulting in a distressingly anguished tune.

"So" she began to speak, tilting her glasses "I ask you to do one single thing and you can't even do that, unbelievable" she complained, dramatically putting her hands in her hair.

"Era..." she started "I tried to give you many opportunities and yet you keep failing" she added while shaking her head.

She removed her glasses, and started speaking again, as I felt my knees tremble. I was in deep shit.

"So I've decided to give you two detention for the rest of the month, hopefully you'll learn how to use your time wisely now" she revealed, pure hatred in her eyes.

No. I couldn't let that happen. Amore detention with De Angelis??? Absolutely, the fuck not. That thief wasn't going to also steal my time.

"I'm sorry Miss Bianchi but I think you should reconsider" I started but was interrupted by the teachers violent hand gesture "Stop it. I'm not discussing this with you two, I've already made my decision!" she snapped back and clapped once.

"Also" she started to speak again "why is De Angelis so quiet? She's usually pretty talkative.." she wonder looking at the thief, I mean, Victoria.

"Ha ha I am talkative indeed most of the time" she laughed by herself.

I felt so embarrassed, I would've wanted to bury myself right there in that moment.

"Whatever, just go back to work now" she order, only to turn around and go back to the other room, leaving the both of us alone, again.
Word count: 875
Ooops... seems like our girls will have to spend quite some more time together.
Who knows what will happen now!
Remember to let me know if you guys like it!

incandescence |victoria de angelis Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora