chapter 5

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Eventually, we started stacking those cursed books, but the whole process was extremely silent, both because I didn't want to talk to that devil, both because I was too angry for getting even more detention.

Oh and third option: Victoria was too high to be able to handle a proper conversation, just thought I'd include that as well.

As the time was finally up, I grabbed my backpack and made my way outside, leaving Victoria in the classroom alone, still in her high thoughts probably.

I was just about to close the entrance door behind me, when I cursed myself for being so damn nice all the time and made my way back to check on her.

I couldn't care less whether or not she was fine, of course, but I had to make sure nobody saw her in that state or else, I could've gone through trouble too and I definitely didn't want to risk it.

"You came back for me? How desperate you are huh?!" she greeted me sarcastically.

"Ugh shut up already, I just don't want people to think I'm a stoner too. I've had more than enough trouble because of you" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Now stand up and go home. Nobody can see you like this." I finished my sentence and helped her stand up.

"Fine, I'm going. But because I said so." she sassily walked away, putting her black bag over her shoulder.

Gosh, I already couldn't with her.

Just the thought of having to spend more time, in the place I hated the most, with the person I hated the most, made my blood boil.

As I finally arrived home, I heard my mom's voice coming from the kitchen "Era! Finally! How was the movie with Lara?" she asked, glad to see me.

"Oh yeah" I tried to remember what lie I had told her, she couldn't know I had gotten detention, she would've probably murder me with the katana we had as an ornament in the living room.

"It was pretty good, the same old, you know" I kept lying, trying (and failing) at making it convincing enough.

Her expression was definitely suspicious but she kept cutting the carrots without asking anymore questions. Thankfully.

I walked to the stairwell and made my way to my room, ready to call Lara and tell her everything:
"Bitch you have no idea what happened today during detention" I started.
"She got high in a school bathroom?? Jesus, that's rock" your best friend laughed.

"Yeah I guess... but can you believe, I'll have to lie to my mother everyday now just to go to stupid detention with that monster" I remembered.

"Yeah I understand, that must really suck, but see the positive side to it!" she exclaimed.

"Which is...?" I wondered confused about what possibly could be positive about this whole situation.

"My job is to help you be more positive not give you all the answers, c'mon Era, I can't do everything!" she gushed while laughing.

"Alright alright, bestie I gotta go now, I'm sure dinner's almost ready, but see you tomorrow at school?"

"Yes boo, byebye" she said goodbye before hanging up.
Word count: 587
Sorry for the short chapter guys🥵
Thank you all for your support by the way, I read every single comment and they're the nicest thing ever and you never fail to put a smile on my face.
I never knew I'd be getting all this when I started so THANK YOU VERY MUCH REALLY

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