Chapter 1

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His was in pain.
No that was an understatement . He was in a lot of pain. Everything hurt. Did someone shot through his head, blowing his brain out ? That seemed unreasonable since he was still able to experience the pain which meant that his brain was perfectly functionable. Not so perfectly , given he felt like someone kept hammering his skull. Maybe they were trying to get some sense back into him.

When those waves of pain became slightly less painful, he realized that not only his brain, but everything hurt. Everything really hurt. It was like someone had pierced small pins into his body. Those pins covered whole of his body. That not even a space that was a one hair thick was left.

Maybe it wasn't a bullet through his skull , maybe it was a bomb blast that had affected whole of him. And by the feel of it , it was probably a nail bomb, packed with nails which acted as shrapnel. Nail bombs which had grown excessively common, used to create a larger radius of destruction. Every inch of his body was affected. Now that appeared to be reasonable and plausible, given his occupation as Major in the Pakistan Army. But he couldn't remember where he was last stationed that lead to his current situation.

Pakistan had always been on war with terrorists and with the increasing hostilities around the borders it wouldn't be a wrong rationale that the neighboring countries might be involved. [APPOLOGIES TO MY DEAR INDIAN READERS, ITS NOT A HIT AT YOU GUYS ...owfff so embarrassing....]

The throbbing was becoming specific. The kind, one feels when someone is hitting you on the head , as if trying to hammer an imaginary nail into your skull. Strike and then pause and then strike again. The pain was coming to him in waves. It was alarmingly regular like a clock .

He could still make sense of things, some things which meant that he wasn't dead. If he were dead, he won't be able to feel the pain. Right ? Shaheeds gets ranks in Jannat. He won't experience pain when he died. No, he was still alive. It felt good. The realization that he was still alive. But he wasn't sure why? Didn't he want to be a shaheed ? He still wasn't sure about where he was and why?

The obvious and logical response to that problem would be opening his eyes. Thinking about the eyes made him realize that they were burning with the intensity of light. Was he under those bright blinding operation theater lights getting some sort of stitch and fix?No, he thought dismissing the earlier assumption. He couldn't feel any blade slashing his skin. No, it wasn't that. His vision was red. The light had to be yellow or maybe white. But it was a natural light. Like that of the sunlight creeping through the windows light. He was sure of that. He wanted to open his eyelids, at-least a part of him wanted him too. But the pain was increasing, and he was too tired to lift those lashes.

That and the fact that he didn't want to get blinded by the light, so he kept his eyes closed. It seemed like a better option at that time. And he was all about going with the better brighter side. Metaphorically speaking, since the literal bright side was blinding .

He wasn't completely numb or out of his senses. He could hear people. And he was listening to those voices and that to intently. Trying to figure the bits and pieces out.

Being an army personal; one thing that he was taught at the military academy which he had learnt aptly, was to make the best use of your senses and instincts. Be it sight, hearing or sense of smell. And when one sense wasn't functionally properly, they were taught to really on the other for guidance.

Putting all what he had learnt into use, he listened to the people around him intently to figure out the situation he was in. At first, he couldn't understand what he heard. The words were like a buzz to him. He couldn't figure out or differentiate between them. He heard the door open and close. People were moving and maybe so was the furniture, or maybe his head was spinning that lead his to an assumption that the furniture was moving. He could hear the footsteps and wheeling of a cart, and then dragging of some sort of furniture. They all were the distant sound. Except that one .

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