-Starting- Chapter 1 -

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"HA, I got you again!" 

"I guess you did... But can you lower your voice, please? My ears hurt from the number of times you 'Got me'

Flippy sighed, This was starting to get a bit too loud for him. He sat on wooden stool, In front of him was a small chess table. Both of his closest friends were currently in a competitive game of chess... Well only one of them was yelling. On the right side, Was Handy... Who was watching closely as Mole made his move... 

"That's backward Mole, You can't go backward with a pawn-" 

"Oh Sorry!" He quickly fixed his mistake, Moving a step forwards and getting rid of one of Handy's pawns. 

Handy growled while Mole looked in his direction with a smirk. Flippy grabbed the Pawn and put it into the box. "Handy calm down, It's just one-" 

Flippy, Mole, and Handy always did this when they were together. Playing some board games and betting money on who would win. Flippy had to always watch since both of his friends were disabled and they both loved to cheat. Also, to make sure they wouldn't go for each other throats after each loss- Flippy moved the pieces for Handy, While he told The  Mole were his own and Handy's pieces were.

"Flippy, Can you move my Queen over to like uh-" Handy attempted to point at the spot with his stumps "Like right here?" Flippy grabbed the chess piece and placed it to the nearby square. "Ok Perfect,"  Handy said, With a slightly annoyed tone with his voice.

"Flippy where did Handy move his Queen?" Mole looked over at Flippy's general direction. 
"At 6C," Mole thought for a moment, for a moment lost in his mind before making his move.  

Mole saw an opportunity and took it, He got his Knight and used it to remove Handy's Queen. 

"HUH- FLIPPY IS THAT ALLOWED?" Handy nearly yelled, being the salty player he was always.

Flippy flipped through the pages of the rule book. 

"Looks like it is, Sorry Handy" Flippy said, trying to calm him down.

Handy grumbled as he needed to rethink his whole attack, Suddenly a smug smile appeared on his face.
"Well... What if I just..."  Something came over Handy's face. 

Handy gestured Flippy to move his Bishop 2 spaces to the left. Flippy saw what he was doing and moved it over.

"Guess who won?" Handy grinned.


Mole's King was blocked from all sides.

"WELL, IT WAS ME, DUMMY! HAHA!"  Mole slowly clapped. 

"Good job you knucklehead, Somehow you beat me- Here's the bet" Mole sighed, disappointed, and gave the $20 to Flippy, Who put it into Handy's wallet.

Flippy chuckled, Somehow the idiot like Handy could win against Mole. Well, This is the first time out of the 20 games he'd won. Flippy cleared the Chess pieces into the box, While Handy constantly was nagging Mole over his victory.  Flippy sighed, The friendship between the two was so odd. 

He walked over to one of the Treehouses shelves and put the chess box into its rightful place, among the other board games they played and beaten. He looked back at the two. The two friends starting to calm down a bit after their 'Super intense chess game'.  Flippy took a seat on the wooden stool he was using during the game and looked up at the clock. It was set an hour early. 

"It's 2:50 on the clock. I have an hour before I need to go to some reading club that Cuddles set up-" Cuddles wasn't the type to read. But for some reason, he got a call from him telling Flippy to come over at 4:50, He hadn't seen anyone else talk about it so it was a bit suspicious to him.

Handy sighed "Are you joking- Don't tell anyone I told you this, but it's your surprise birthday party. I told them not to use that excuse, but they used it anyway! STUPID that group could be" 

The mole flinched "It's a surprise birthday Handy! You weren't supposed to tell him!" 
Handy chucked "Screw the main group- They didn't even get the date right-" 

That was true, His birthday was tomorrow- Not today.  "Why are they making it a surprise anyway?" Flippy asked  

"I don't know" Handy reached for his plastic cup full of fruit punch. Held it with his stubs for a moment. Then dropped it on himself, He yelped at the sudden cold liquid then growled at himself "Shoot-" 

The Mole got up to help him clean up, Grabbing some paper towels "Anyway, Flippy. We can go drive there in your pickup. It's the 17th birthday, right? We better get there on-" Mole said, Trying to lighten the mood a bit. The room went silent for a moment until Flippy mumbled "I'm turning 29-"  




The mole who was done cleaning up looked at Flippy "Well, Sniffles said that-" 
Handy laughed, tears starting to form in his eyes. Mole grumbled and looked over at Handy. "Don't be rude-" Handy looked at him straight in the eye, His face still red. "BUT IT'S TRUE, He doesn't even look CLOSE to his age-"  Handy said back, Not realizing that Flippy was in the corner, starting to get worried. It was weird to think that his closest friends said this. They had been friends for a bit over a year and THEY didn't know this? It's gonna worse at the party. All of his friends at Happy tree land thought he was this young? That's going to be awkward to explain-  

Once everyone was calmed down, Mole spoke up. "Sorry about Handy's reaction. But it's kinda odd that you hang out with 17-19-year-olds" Flippy went silent again, Mole's Answer caught him off guard.

 "Shut-"  Flippy mumbled and Handy went back to laughing.


I may have gotten some placements wrong and names. 
Also, If you can't see, I kinda ship Mole and Handy. But in a friends way
ALSO, ALSO. In this AU the Giggles date with Flippy NEVER HAPPENED. 
I'm not a fan of that kind of Kid dates a Fully grown adult kind of stuff

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