Chapter 9

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(Akira's POV)

I kissed Yamato-senpai...

That's whats on my mind as I feel senpai's lips on mine even though it was an accident, the truth and the fact that I kissed Yamato-senpai did not change. He pull away and I was still shocked.

"I... I am sorry Akira... It was on accident..." Yamato-senpai says while rubbing the back of his neck and I nods while still blush, "It's alright senpai..."

Yamato-senpai nods and give me his hand to help me stand up and I take it before nod in thanks and he smile at me. Just then Kise-san coming and start spouting apologies to both me and Yamato-senpai which in respond who looks irked and the two starts to argue leaving me, Kindaichi, Yahaba-senpai and Watari-senpai sweatdrop.

(Yamato's POV)

This idiot childish model best friend of mine really irked me. I starts to questioning why I always ended up surrounded by idiots like this guy over here...

"That's why I told you many times Ryouta! Stop running around the hall to get to me! You idiot!" I snap.

"Ehhh Yamatocchiii so mean ssu! I already apologize ssu... Stop getting mad at me! Uwaaa Yamatocchiii" He fake crying.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and give a glare to Ryouta before looking at Akira and Kindaichi, "are you two heading to the practice?" I ask them.

"Yes senpai... We saw the three of you and decided to walk together before uhm... that," Kindaichi says in almost whisper at the end with also a hint of blush.

I sigh, "I see... I apologize for that miina..." I say to all of them who just shook their head with chuckle.

"Yamatocchiii can I wait and watch the practice ssu? I don't wanna go home first and get bored ssu," Ryouta says.

I just look at him blankly and he starts to whine, "Yamatocchiii ne ne ne please... I don't wanna be alone for hours ssu!"

I sigh and nods, "Just don't cause trouble Ryouta and be nice... We should ask coach too."

He cheered and starts hugging me and squishing me, "Yamatocchi is the best yayyy!"

Shinji (Watari) chuckle, "Kise-san seems to be really clingy towards you isn't he, Yamato?"

"It looks cute though to see a tall giant Kise-san with Kageyama-senpai who few inches shorter. They get along very well despite the clash personality," says Kindaichi chuckle.

I give them a look and they laugh even Akira crack a smile. I like Akira's smile... He should smile more often.


(Yamato's POV)

It was three days before the practice match between Karasuno and Seijoh. During one of Oikawa-senpai's jump serve he land on the wrong foot and injured his knee and sprain the ankle. Me being the nearest to him, immediately approach him followed by Iwaizumi-senpai and coach.

"Oikawa-senpai! Are you okay?!"

"What did you do now Trashykawa?!"

The others then surrounded the setter and captain, "I'm fine... it's noth-aaah!" As Oikawa-senpai about to stand up and fall, I immediately hold him up and placing his arm over my shoulders.

"Idiot! You are injured Oikawa-senpai, don't keep on moving or it will get worse," I said and clicked my tongue in annoyance and look at him dead in the eyes.

His face was tinted scarlet and he slightly fidgeting and trying his best to not look into my eyes, "Oikawa-senpai, are you sick or something?" On reflect I press my forehead on Oikawa-senpai's forehead to check his temperature which earn a shriek coming from him, "Ya-Yama-chan..." He flustered and trying to move away and shook his head.

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