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(Yamato's POV)

The sound of "thank you"s and "good job for today"s could be heard through the studio's agency after I finish wrapping up another photo-shoot. Ichihara-san, my make-up artist approach me and tell me to sit down and let her clean my face before letting me go home.

"You did very well Yamato-kun. You look dashingly handsome as always and I just still cannot believe that you are still 13 years old rather than 16 years old," she whines and clean myself up.

"Gomen Ichihara-san... Thank you also for the compliment," I say.

"Just call me Yuuko... I already told you about it thousand times already," she sighs.

"Ah if you say so... Ichi-Yuuko," I say with gentle smile.

Just then, my manager Sebastian Michaelis come in along with both my parents and I blink.

"Mom, Dad... What are you doing here?" I look puzzled.

I am currently in Hyogo and it takes around 1 to 2 hours flight from Sendai to here for the photoshoot.

"Yamato, there are some things that the agency would like to talk about to you and your parents," says Sebastian.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask and look up at Yuuko who just give me a weak smile.

"No, you don't get in trouble Yamato-kun," assure Sebastian.

"Then is there anything wrong?" I ask.

My parents exchange sad looks before looking at Sebastian who looks bit sad. I look at Mom and she is close to tears.

"Yamato, we've been talking regarding your schedules and we found out that most of all of your schedules are around Hyogo and then Kanagawa and Tokyo. It is unfair to you to back and forth for those places. We already try to find you jobs closer to your home but we didn't find any," explain Sebastian.

"I see... so what should we do?" I ask dreading the outcomes.

"Yamato-kun, Sebastian's agency will be moved to Hyogo and he will also be moving to Hyogo. We know that modelling has been one of your favorite things to do beside music and volleyball. This decision is hard for us to make because we don't want to see you sad," Mom says.

"Mom and Dad along with Sebastian give you options for you to decide... You could stay here in Miyagi with us and try new agencies or even stopped the modelling career or you could go with Sebastian to Hyogo and continue your modelling career and moving school and even leave your teammates here and join the volleyball team in your new middle school," Dad says.

I feel like my world come crashing down... Moving... Leaving my family, mom, dad, Miwa-neesan, and Tobio along with my teammate that I love and care for. I know how hard is this to joining the modelling career in such young age like me and Sebastian did a wonderful job but I even know this opportunity will not come again and how hard it is in modelling career.

"I know what I want and how hard it is in this career path... Family will always come first, but is it okay for me to follow what my heart really desire?" I ask the adults in the room and all of them give a soft smile and nods with pride on their eyes.

Mom then run to me and hug me tight, "Yamato-kun... I will miss you a lot but I am proud of you to think ahead. Whatever your decision be, Mom and Dad will always support you," mom explain and plant a kiss on my forehead before Dad approach me and pat me on the head, "Why you have to grown up so fast Yamato... I know it will be hard and even Miwa and Tobio will feel sad but they know how much you love your modelling career. Beside, I could come and visit you whenever I have to go to the branch office in Hyogo."

I nod and smile to both my parents, "I will miss you too and I will have to say goodbye to Miwa-neesan and Tobio..."

Mom and Dad smile gently, "Miwa and Tobio are outside Yamato..." says Sebastian.

Just then Miwa-neesan and Tobio come in and both has tears on their faces. I could not look at the anger and betrayed eyes from Tobio as he looks at me. Miwa-neesan run to me and hug me close while bawling her eyes out and telling me repeatedly that she will video call me everyday and to take care in which I nods and plant a kiss on my elder sister cheeks which earn a small smile with tear-streaked face.

As I look at Tobio and call out to him, he only shows anger and burst out, "I hate you Yamato-niisan! You promise to not leave me but you lie! I don't like liars!" and with that he run out from the room with Mom running after him. Sebastian give a sad smile and pat my head, "He loves you Yamato-kun... Don't take it to heart..." he says.

I nods and look at Dad who pulls me into a hug with Miwa, while whispering soothing words, "Tobio will come around... He loves his brother too much. Sebastian-san will take good care of you along with Yuuko-san's help. Be good okay Yamato and we will visit you,"

I hug Dad and Miwa tighter and nods, "Thank you Dad... Miwa-neesan"

With that, we have our last family dinner together with Sebastian all the while Tobio doesn't even want to look me in the eyes. But as I saw them about to aboard the plane to go back to Miyagi, I stop Tobio and smile sadly.

"I am sorry Tobio... But remember nii-san loves you and we will meet again in the future and I hope you will do great in volleyball. I leave something for you with Miwa-neesan... I... I will miss you Tobio," I say and pat his head and I could see Tobio tear streaming down his face before he look away without any say.

I will miss my family but most of all... I will miss Tobio.

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