Chapter One

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There were boxes everywhere, boxes you had yet to unpack. Sitting on the bed you looked out the window seeing the dull sunrise, you moved in yesterday and things weren't going as bad as you had expected. You took a sip out of your mug, black coffee something you weren't too fond of, there were no complaints you hadn't even gone shopping yet. You held the mug thoughtfully in your hand rubbing your thumb on the handle absentmindedly, looking to your right was the counter that held the small espresso machine the lions had bought for you on your birthday, it was Free and Agata's idea they knew you never really cared for coffee that much. Looking longingly at it you took another sip of the bland coffee silently praying you made the right decision.

Melon promised to keep in touch with you and thankfully he did although he never mentioned anyone else, all he asked was how your day had gone if you needed money. If you were smart you'd find it strange, you had to admit you were partly flattered someone new cared for you like that. The whole appeal of the moment took a dark turn when you sat and thought about all those who cared about you and how you left them, you never saw yourself as someone who would have made a decision like that but it was better on both ends. You felt that the Shishigumi needed a stronger leader and that's what you gave them at the cost of your own position.

You refused to let your mind dwell on it longer this was a new start you tried to change your mindset quickly and distract yourself. So you started unpacking setting the mug on the counter after rinsing it out, the place Melon bought for you was great, nearly too big for one person. Melon advised you stay away from the market after all after resigning you were never allowed back inside, as much as you apprised to the idea Melon insisted he'd buy you a place after some thought you agreed the initial thought was a small apartment but to your surprise he bought you a whole penthouse in the city, you couldn't imagine how expensive it was. First you started by unpacking all of your clothes the things you could manage to bring with you in one night, if the whole thing would have been planned correctly you could have gotten all of your things.

It had all happened faster than you expected you remembered it pouring down rain that night, you had a long talk with Melon and got drunk that's when you confessed that you weren't cut for the job just then Melon had finally let you in on all of the things he'd been doing. He admitted to things that we unexplainable, the one that stuck out was the ivory. Then you laughed about it by now it annoyed you, the amount of times you'd investigated that whole case even then you always had a gut feeling it was him. After that you asked him to take your place, he's had a history and was damn good at laying low. Once the night had slowed down Melon took you back to the mansion in a car that seemed way too expensive you wouldn't put it past him if he stole it. He instructed you to grab the things you needed so you did just that getting the things you needed you left your room. You recalled going to the garage for your car and hoping no one was in there but to your dismay Agata was in there cleaning the various cars that were kept in there, before he new you were there you made a lame attempt to hide the suitcase behind you. Just as you did so he looked up giving the dumb smile he always gave you. You smiled back at him hoping to leave before he pieced what you were up to, "What're you doing this late?" He asked with a kinda smile.

"I could ask you the same," you said shrugging trying to play everything off as friendly conversation. In seconds Agata noticed the suitcase behind you and gave it a weird look.

He turned the other way and started to hose down one fo the cars he'd been washing, "You going somewhere?" Agata asked.

Standing there for a moment you tried to come up with a lie one that was believable before having anymore time to think Agata looked at you and a sudden word vomit came out, "I heard from Louis." You finally said the name now sounding forgiven on your tongue.

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