5. he looks after your cat 🐱

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you had to go away for a long weekend as part of your studies, and your roommate, who usually looked after your cat (popcorn) was out of town as well. the next person you trusted most with your pride and joy was your boyfriend, lewis.

except lewis is not a cat person. you don't know why and he hasn't said anything other than "cats can fuck off." he was going to have to get over that if he wanted to keep this relationship going, and you made him well aware of this.

"it's just three days," you assured lewis. "just keep to yourself, popcorn will keep to himself, and everything will be okay." lewis just needed to cover the basics: feed him every morning, give him fresh water, and only change the litter box once. how hard could it be?

friday morning came, and lewis was already at your place since he spent the night with you. you assured him everything would be fine, and to call you if anything was amiss. lewis didn't tell you this, but he was dreading it. he knew you loved your cat more than you loved him, and he wasn't quite ready to come to terms with that fact.

you kissed your boys goodbye and shut the door tightly behind you. lewis turned around to face the enemy.

"alright, fucker," he said. "i'm going to lay on your mum's bed, and there's nothing you can do about it." lewis was sure your cat was devising a plan to kill him in his sleep, as he didn't want your boyfriend encroaching on his space.

as it turns out, lewis was being over-dramatic, and you were right. your boyfriend and kitty were peacefully coexisting despite your absence. lewis thought that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


the next morning lewis completed his assigned tasks, relieved that he made it through the night without becoming a victim of feline-initiated murder. there were a couple of droplets on the hallway floor, which lewis cleaned up, assuming it was nothing more than your cat being a little nervous.

lewis got dressed and called you, as he missed the sound of your voice. he assured you everything was going better than expected and that he would send you more pictures of your beloved later on.

after ordering some takeaway and watching a few episodes of bates motel with popcorn by his side, your boyfriend decided he'd head back to your room for a nap. after all the hard work he'd done, he figured he deserved it.

lewis's plans were swiftly interrupted, as he stepped in a rather large puddle on his way to your room.

"what the fuck?!" lewis said out loud, as he grew more uncomfortable with the feeling of the wet sock on his foot. he turned around to see popcorn sitting quietly, returning the gaze.

lewis was a bit perplexed, as this was not something he was anticipating, and you hadn't mentioned that this was anything he would need to look out for. always finding humor in the moment, lewis took to instagram to regale the story.

"alright, so i've offered to look after my partner's cat while they're away, and we've run into a bit of an issue. the cat's pissed on the floor." his story shifted to the next slide where he shared some more of his thoughts. "so i'm thinking, something's fucked here. as far as i know i haven't got a kitten on my hands, in that case this would make a bit of sense. so unless he's supposed to be let outside to use the bathroom like a fucking dog, this cat just hates me and wants to make sure i don't come back. i've got to be honest, he's a fucking genius."

after rewatching his instagram story and laughing at himself yet again, lewis decided to throw his dirty socks in the laundry. he didn't want to leave any time for stains to set in.

lewis opened the small door to the laundry room, and he was surprised to see that popcorn was on his heels, and bolted past lewis as soon as the door was opened. he flicked on the light to see your cat in the litter box, and started laughing hysterically to himself.

lewis had kept the door shut all night and day, not realizing that was where popcorn needed to go to relieve himself. "if he didn't actually hate me before" lewis thought to himself, "i'm definitely not his favorite person after this."

lewis made sure to keep the door open until you got home the next day, when he asked if he had been stripped of his cat-care eligibility.

"i was really trying to be a good stepdad," he told you, "but i actually fucked up one of the most important things. if you want to toss me to the street, i completely understand."

"hey, this was your first time. i honestly expected it to go much worse," you laughed. "i'm just glad i came home to both of you alive."

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