Part 2

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A/N: first things first, I am soooo sorry for the wait for this chapter! It was really unfair of me to leave you waiting that long, I know, but I had exams as well as a lot of personal problems and it was hard to find the time to sit down and write properly, never mind write anything worth reading. To be honest, I'm not sure even now if this part is up to my usual I'm sorry if it's really bad. I'm sure the next one will be an improvement! Once again, thanks for reading - it means a lot :) I hope you guys like this anyway xx


As we stood outside the door to our own home, it was eerily quiet inside. Usually, the tv would be on or Cara's iPod would be docked and blasting away, or one of us would be singing. But not now.

I had my hand on the door handle, but I didn't dare go in.

"It's okay, Niall. Everything's fine." Liam soothed, but I knew he was lying.

Something was up, something bad. I could feel the tension in the air, fizzing like an electrical current - and I wasn't even the one who could feel the emotions around me.

"I don't want t-" just as I was about to protest against going into the flat full stop, the door opened.

Cara stood there, a little shocked, as if she'd just been about to walk out. "Get yourself in there now, and tell that boy he's well out of order." she spat at me and Liam, before stalking away down the stairs.

"Cara, I-" Zayn appeared in the doorway. Seeing Liam and I, he stopped and stared at us. He looked angry and worried and upset, and I hadn't seen him like this for a long while. He pushed past me, and went after Cara.

Now my curiousity was burning more than my fear, and I cautiously entered the flat. It looked just the same as it did this morning, but looks could be decieving. I knew that too well.

"Louis, Harry?" I called. "Are you here?"

"We're here." Louis's voice confirmed from the living room. "Niall, you can come in as long as you're not going to be pissed at me."

Part of me was annoyed that he was giving me permission to go in my own living room (since he didn't live here, after all) but another part of me knew that he was warning me against what I was going to see - what he presumed would piss me off, since it had clearly done that for Zayn.

Slowly, I pushed open the door.

"Hey." Louis said softly from where he was sitting on the sofa, smiling weakly at me.

"Hi." I said to him.

"Hi, Niall." another voice spoke from the kitchen doorway. I turned to look, and I couldn't look away.

The other voice was Harry's, a little stronger and deeper than the last time I'd seen him.

But, then again, the last time I'd seen him, he was human.

He was holding a glass of water, and as I stared he put it on the coffee table and held a hand out towards me. A reassurance. I took it, holding it tight; it was startlingly pale and warm and soft - like a woman's hand. We'd always said he had hands any girl would be proud of, and the fact that they were just as soft was a sort of comfort for me. Weird, I know.

I couldn't help but grab onto him, holding him tightly. I'd been so worried about him, and here he was - absolutely fine. At least, mostly. I stepped back, looking him up and down. Taking in the transformation from the Harry I knew to the Harry standing in front of me. Intensely deep, watchful green eyes. Curly hair, soft and shiny and perfect. Pale skin with just a hint of rose in his cheeks. Almost sculpted lips, tinted a shade more desirable than even the most expensive of lipsticks. If Harry was attractive before, he was simply beautiful now.

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