Chapter 3

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Me and Trunks watched from afar as Gohan and the androids went at it. The androids really were getting ahead of Gohan. Punches, kicks, energy blasts.

"You disappoint me Blondie!" 17 told Gohan in the stomach, he fly back into a building.

"Urggh!" I exclaimed, my fists clenching together.

Gohan flew out from the now fallen building, and did a roundhouse kick to 17's head. Knocking him to the ground.

"You, aaaahh!" 18 yelled then shot an engery blast at Gohan. Once he was hit the fell face first into the ground.

"Gohan!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I lunged out, but a hand grabbed my arm.

"Tasha, don't," Trunks told me, "Gohan said to stay here."

"But, they're hurting him!!"

"It's Gohan, he'll be fine."

I jerked my arm from Trunks, "I'm going and you can't say anything to stop me!"

18 was about to shoot Gohan again, I wouldn't let that happen. I flew as fast as I could and kicked her before she could shoot him. 18 flew into the building beside her. Trunks appeared beside me a few seconds later.

"I know I can't argue with you," He said, "don't know why I try."

Gohan got up and saw me and Trunks, "I told you two stay back!"

"I can't just sit there and watch you get hurt!"

" I can..." I froze. The next thing I remember is a strong pain to my side, like a kick. Then hitting a building face first, my arm and leg were broken on impact, I knew that much. I fell to the ground hearing Gohan scream my name....

To be continued...

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