Y/N always listened to her with a smile plastered on her pale face, adoring the bushy haired girl. Sickenly cute, if you ask me.

Which is where we are now, at the back of the library, the two girls completely alone.

But Hermione noticed that Y/N slowly became moody and drained each day, but nonetheless, still listened to whatever Hermione had to say, and she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at the sweet gesture.

But she was also concerned for her, wondering what was wrong with the girl. Y/N's warm smile faded each day, until it was completely gone.

As the Know-It-All Hermione is, she researched and immediately found the reason for the dark haired girls behaviour.

"Hey, Y/N. Could you do me a small favour and let me see your eyes?" asked Hermione.

"Anything for you, Granger." shrugged Y/N with a very forced smile that came out crooked and weak.

Hermione walked towards her till there was barely any space between them. She got on her tip-toes to observe the girls eyes, and as she expected, they were completely coal black.

"You haven't drank any blood?" frowned Hermione. "Can't you ask Dumbledore or your Headmistress for animal blood?"

"Animal blood doesn't satisfy me, I personally find it revolting." explained Y/N with a small sigh.

Hermione only gave a hum in response as she turned her back on Y/N, but she wasn't moving away, in fact, she was only inching herself closer till their bodies flushed.

Y/N observed her with a bewildered expression plastered on her pale face, really having no clue where this was going. That was until Hermione gathered her bushy hair and moved it to the side, giving Y/N a clear view of her shoulder and neck.

"Go on, don't be shy." said Hermione rather boldly, yet her breath was shaky and hitched.

"Mione, I can't possibly—"

"But I want you to." interrupted Hermione, taking Y/N quite aback.

Y/N gave a hum in response as her arms circled around Hermione's waist, gently pulling her impossibly closer. Hermione's mouth was slightly parted in anticipation, her breathing uneven.

Hermione's eyes fluttered close at the feeling of Y/N peppering loving kisses on her collarbone, gradually moving upwards to her neck.

Hermione felt her knees shaking, giving up on her. She let herself loose, putting all her weight against Y/N's chest. Y/N moved her plump lips over to Hermione's ear.

"Relax, darling." she husked out, her hand gently caressing the side of Hermione's thigh in a comforting manner.

Hermione gave a breathless sigh and a nod in response, tilting her head back onto Y/N's chest as her jaw fell slack.

Y/N placed one last kiss on Hermione's collarbone before pressing her lips against the bushy haired girls neck, feeling a tad bit hesitant.

"Please." whimpered Hermione desperately in a pleading tone, feeling quite desperate for the girls touch.

Y/N wasted no more time. Her teeth formed into fangs, she digged her fangs in Hermione's skin before they completely sunk in.

Hermione let out loud mix of a moan and a gasp at the feeling, her hand travelling up to cover her mouth, praying to Merlin that no one would pass by.

Good God, Y/N felt euphoric at the taste of the bushy haired girls blood, but she made sure not to drink way too much, the last thing she wanted to do was harm the girl.

But oh boy, Hermione felt the same. Y/N's comforting slight touches was enough to drive her mad. Her mind was completely blank as moans and whimpers escaped her lips, but fortunately they were muffled by her hand.

Y/N pulled away, her teeth going back to normal. She resumed in peppering kissing on Hermione's neck and collarbone, trying to comfort her.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" mumbled Y/N considerately, her tone apologetic.

But Hermione shook her head in response, her breathing slowly going back to normal. Neither made a move to change the position they were in, in fact, they seemed to be relishing the moment.


Next chapter might have spicy time. And if there is, yall might need to drown in holy water or sum.

I'm also debating whether or not Unforgettable should end like that, you guys could give me your opinions lol🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

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