"Oh my god! She will not be able to bear the news. Stop them Rajeev." She said panicking.

"That's what I am doing, but he is not lifting his phone at all." I said again cutting the call to call again.

"Then call Suhas and tell him." She said looking at me.

I looked at her frowning because what will happen if I do that. She groaned and said, "He returned the shares which mean he doesn't care about any one of us, which means he cares for her. So he will stop them so just call him."

I nodded and called him pacing around the room. After a few rings he lifted, saying, "Hello Rajeev?"

"Listen, Mom and Dad are coming to your house to tell everything to Navya and take her back." I said without giving him time to say anything else.

"What? He can't do that. She is my wife." He shouted into the phone.

"I don't care about that, but she will be broken if she knows that her parents know this and even after knowing they made her marry you." I said to make him understand.

"I am leaving now." he said hanging up.

"I just hope he will stop them." She said closing her eyes, and I too hope so.

*Navya Pov*

"Navya! Your parents are here." I heard Padma Aunty is saying when I was fidgeting with my hands feeling scared.

"What? Where are they now?" I asked her happily and rushed towards the door.

"I made them sit in the balcony and even placed the tea for them so that you need not to stress yourself for coming down." She replied smiling at me warmly and left the room.

I grinned and rushed out of the room, but groaned when my leg got hit by the door. But I ignored it and rushed towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" I said and hugged them when they stood up looking at me.

"I missed you guys so much. It's been nearly five months." I said releasing them.

"We too missed you so much Navya and it's been nearly two months since you called last time." Mom said and then I remembered that I didn't call them, by the time I got to know about the revenge plan of his thinking, I can never fake in front of them that I am happy.

"We will talk later when we reach our home in Bhopal." Dad said looking around.

"Bhopal?" I asked him confused and moved little back to look at them properly.

"Yes Navya! You need not to live in this torture anymore. He returned the shares and there is nothing with which he can blackmail us." Dad replied happily.

"What are you talking about Dad?" I asked him confused.

"I just didn't accept him for your sister, and I just placed a small condition, but I didn't wait until he finished it. Then I arranged Kavya's marriage and settled her. When he gets to know that after returning, he threatened us that he will destroy us." Dad replied, and I took a step back because I don't know that they know about this.

"Then he bought 60% of our shares and then blackmailed to send all of us to jail if we don't let him marry you. Rajeev tried to reverse his plan, but he failed at it. We couldn't do anything else, so we did as per his wish. But today he transferred all of those shares to us back that too freely. Now you can leave him forever and come with us." He continued not looking at me at all when I continued to step back not believing the words I am hearing from his mouth.

"I don't want to let you stay with that monster son anymore." He said and shook his head in disgust.

But what he doesn't know is which each sentence he is saying I couldn't help but step away from them. They all know about his revenge, but still got me married to him without telling me.

I am dreaming! Yeah, I am just dreaming because this is not true at all. This can never be true. They are joking, I guess. That must be it, they are joking.

My family can never do this to me. They love me! They love me so much that they will bear anything for my happiness.

This is all nothing but a lie. I looked at my parents to see that my dad has a hurt expression, and my mom is consoling him.

This is a lie or it is a dream, or they are just joking. Anything in this is possible except for it being the truth.

Before I could ask them whether this is a lie or a dream or a joke, I realized that I moved back too far away from them.

But I realized that when my foot slipped as the steps start from there, and I started falling backwards... 


So...yeah that's how she get to know this...

I know both times she got to know the truth in very bad way...

So when i explained that the balcony comes if we walk straight from the steps, left is there room and right is the guest room is for this scene...

I need each and one of your comments guys otherwise i don't think i can write the next chap because i kind of think i know i will hate it u see... So how was this chap??

Comment plz and vote...

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