"Get the fuck in here." Kamikaze says as he pulls me into the bounce house. When I get in I see seven of the guys in there and they are acting like 5 year olds. I kinda just bounce a little in the corner until Azn pulls me into the middle and starts bouncing really high. The other six do the same and suddenly I'm sitting on the floor thing trying not to be bounced out the door. When you are only at most 150 pounds and there are seven grown men bouncing around you, you tend to be thrown around a lot.

"Guy's I don't want to die on my birthday, please stop bouncing me." I say and literally none of them listen to me. When they aren't looking I roll away from them and get out of the bounce house. I get my Vans on and I can hear the guy's confusion.

"What the?"

"Where'd she go?"

"Daryn was in here right?"

"Did we bounce her to high?"

"Please tell me that I wasn't hallucinating her being here?"

I walk over to Ryan laughing and he looks at me confused.

"What's so funny?"

"The guys in the bounce house didn't realize that I got out and they're all trying to figure out where  I went." I tell him and someone taps my back. I turn around and Dominator is standing there.

"Happy birthday hun." He says as he gives me a side hug.

"Thanks Joe." I say and he passes me a small box. I open it and see a pair of earrings I've been looking at for a while.

"Oh my god these are the checkered flag earrings I've been looking at." I say and he nods.

"I had to get Justin's help." He whispers and I laugh.

"Well either way I love them, thank you. " I tell him.

"You'll love my gift too." Azn says as he gets out of the bounce house and walks over to the gate and comes back over.

"This is for you, happy birthday." He says as he passes me a box. Yes I'm uncomfortable with attention but it's my birthday so I'll have to suffer through it. I open the box and there's a Starbucks gift card in it.

"I love it, thank you!" I say as I hug him.

"You know if it wasn't for the fact that you're best friends I would be really jealous right now." Ryan says from behind us and I laugh.

"Hey Azn can I talk to you over there for a second?" Caytlin asks coming over and he nods. They head off and I look at Ryan.

"Damn I didn't even know she was here." I say and Javier comes over.

"I got ya something for your birthday." He says.

"Even the people who know I hate attention are making sure I get it." I say and both boys laugh.

"I wasn't trying to be funny, I was stating the truth." I tell them.

"Um anyways, here." He says passing me a box, what is with these boys and boxes? I open it and it's an identical hoodie to the one that got destroyed about a week ago during the cookout.

"I felt bad for playing a part in ruining the original so I shopped around for a while until I found the exact same one." He says and I hug him.

"Thank you so much Javi." I say. A few more guys give me different things and then Justin walks over to me and I hug him.

"I loved today, thank you so much!" I say.

"Hey I helped him plan it, and I had to go all night without telling you about it I actually contemplated super gluing my mouth shut because I almost told you a few times." Ryan says from behind us and I laugh.

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