"Daryn listen to me, we have been friends for longer then I can remember and I can insure you that while Justin might be a little pissed at first, he'll be happy for you and as for your husband, he'll be really happy or at least surprised." She says.

"I'm still scared but I can't back out now." I say as I get out of the truck. We go in and get signed in and sit down in the waiting room.

"Holy shit Caytlin I'm extremely nervous." I whisper to her.

"I know, you're tapping your foot on the floor faster then your car goes." She says and I look down at my foot and realize she's right.

"Martin." The nurse calls and Caytlin gets up but I try to dissappear. Caytlin starts walking but then I see her realize that I'm not following and she tells the nurse one second before turning around. She comes over to me but literally drags me into the room and the nurse is giving us both judging looks.

"What the fucks your problem?" I ask her and she looks at Caytlin.

"Don't take it personally, she hates hospitals and she's a little nervous right now." Caytlin tells her and she nods.

~after the tests cause, yeah, I said so~

The doctor walks in the room and I swear my heart is beating faster than a human heart should.

"And?" Caytlin asks. I swear to god she's as anxious to find out as I am but in the opposite way.

"Congratulations Mrs, your pregnant." She says and I look at her in shock.

"What but when I was 19 my boyfriend abused me and one time he badly injured me and when I went to the doctor she told me that I would live be I will never be able to have kids." I say and she shrugs.

"Well I don't know what to say, you're pregnant Mrs." She tells me and Caytlin starts jumping up and down. When we get back out to the truck I look at Caytlin panicked.

"Cayt, I'm gonna have to tell them." I say and she nods.

"He's at work right now right?" She asks and I nod.

"I'll drive you to the shop and just tell him you need to talk, pull him into the office then tell him straight up." She says and I nod. Cars make him happy so this should be easy, right? Once we get to the shop Caytlin has given me a little more confidence but I'm still a little scared.

"Wish me luck." I say as I get out of the truck and she gives me a little salute. I head in and see them working on Fireball, that's good Fireball is his baby he's always happy when he's-

"God dammit the fucking power steering arm is broke too." Ooooor not.

"Um babe?" I ask and I hear something start dripping underneath the car. Ryan slides out from underneath and looks at me.

"Hey Princess what are you doing here?" He asks as he hugs me. Oh yeah by the way that thing dripping was transmission fluid and not all of it landed on the floor, it seems like a big proportion of it ended up on my husband.

"I need to tell you something, can we talk in the office for a second?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah of course, Javi make sure Jared doesn't blow anything up." Ryan tells Javier and I laugh. (They said something on one of their YouTube videos the other day to someone named Jared so I'm assuming he works with them. And if not oh well this guy does)

"What's up baby?" He asks as he closes the door and I take a deep breath.

"Well earlier I went to the doctor because Caytlin had her suspicions about why I was sick and I wanted to prove that she was wrong and..." I say but I stop for a second.

"And what? The suspense is killing me." He says and I laugh at his dramatic response.

"Babe, I'm pregnant." I tell him and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Justin is gonna kill me." He says and I laugh. He walks over to me and spins me in circles.

"This is amazing news!" He says and I laugh.

"If you don't stop spinning me and put me I down I'm gonna barf on you." I tell him and he instantly sits me down.

"Let's keep this between us for now and tell everyone at the next race night during the drivers meeting." I say and he nods.

"Don't even tell those guys." I say nodding my head at the door.

"Got it." He says and walks out. There's one thing I forgot to mention, the next race night is tonight.

Originally this book was supposed to end like 8 chapters ago but I've turned the plot in a completely different way that this might go from originally being planned on only having 15 chapters to it having like 40 by the time it's done🤣. Let me know what yall thought about the huge ass plot twist that is this chapter.

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