Cause for Concern

Start from the beginning

"Why not just request what you would request as the winner's prize now?"

The prince slammed his hands on the table, "that's what I asked! This psycho wants to take every opportunity to fight me." A pale finger pointed straight at Russia accusingly, "he said he wanted to beat me till I can't walk, how scary."

"The more arrogant you are, the more I want to wipe that smirk off your face. Stop talking so much or I'll repeat what happened in the crater."

The prince stuck his tongue out in response, "same tricks won't work twice, you just caught me off guard that time."

These types of arguing back and forth was a usual on their table, it happens almost everyday. To the point everyone else learned to filter out the background noise when it starts up again.

"If you don't wanna shut up then how about we just go fight now?" Russia grabbed the prince by the collar with a menacing gaze. "Sounds good! Bring it, you overgrown lizard."

A tail slithered around America's body, entrapping him inside. Using this to his advantage, the tricolored country dragged the prince out to the field, EU was already there, almost as if he knew they were coming.

He eyed the tied up prince with a nonchalant gaze, "I assume you two are going to fight now?" A nod of confirmation was given by America.

With the wave of the star God's hand, a balancing scale appeared, adorned in a golden glow as well as minuscule glowing stars floating around it.

"Libra, a constellation of fairness or also called the scales of justice."

Two oddly realistic hearts made out of tiny stars, appeared on the two sides of the scales, still beating as well, "these represent you two's hearts, it's only to assure fairness, I won't do anything to them."

Without realizing, Russia had put a hand to his chest to feel his heartbeats. It thumped loudly against his chest, still there. A daily reminder that he was still alive and breathing.

I guess some things are just hard to comprehend, especially with divine beings involved in the equation.

"Take your places on the battlefield."

The tail that entrapped America, retreated back to its owner, with his newfound freedom, he could finally stretch his limbs in relief.

"Hope you're ready to get your ass beat again," America arrogantly took a stand in the battlefield with Russia following shortly after. "Your win streak ends here."

EU on the other hand, glanced ever so slightly at the glowing scale, the two hearts still remained there but one was flickering. It was almost like the slightest wisp of wind would dissipate it.

"How odd."

China, South, North and Japan eventually followed along to watch the match.

Word travels fast here in the academy, almost everyone was consumed by the gossip that America was going to fight Russia. Especially ever since the tournament, both have proved to be exceedingly skilled at fighting.

Inwardly everyone wondered who would win such a fight, the prince or the guard?

"Trying to harm your dear prince, how unsightly, how shall I punish you? Maybe I'll chop off your head like how you were supposed to die in the first place. Play as dirty as you want." His sly grin fanned the flames of anger in the dragon's heart.

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