Meanwhile, I was stirring the soup. I tasted it and decided to add a little more salt. So I pushed myself from the counter and turned to get more salt. My face was met with Kento-san's chest as he stood behind me, reaching for the cupboard above me. It was the same scene as that night we went back to his apartment in the rain. But instead of quickly sliding away and saying "sorry", I chuckled and gave him a quick kiss before stepping to the side to take the salt.

He seemed a bit startled, but then he chuckled. He took a jar of herbs from the cupboard and walk back to his chicken. As we passed each other, he grabbed my waist and kissed me, longer than the quick kiss we had just seconds before. 

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of this." he said.

Moments like this makes me able to belive that everything between us will always be fine. As I said, his words are always in my head. I trust him.

"This is really good." I said as I took a bite of the fried chicken.

"It could use a more salt." he said.

"No. I think it's fine. We need to limit our salt intake. We're not any getting younger after all." I said. "Hipertension runs in both of our family. Remember?"

"I'm going to grab some more salt." he stood up, chuckling. 

I know he takes his food very seriously. Actually, I couldn't agree more.

I rolled my eyes. "You win. Get some for me too please."

As we finished our dinner, we washed the dishes. Then we took a hot shower and got into our pyjamas. 

"This is nice." Kento-san said as he laid on the bed, hands crossing behind his back.

"What is?" I asked, looking up from a book I was reading.

"This." he gestured at nothing and gave no further answer. "This." he took a deep breath.

I starred at him. He looked happy. Also, healthy. The corners of his lips were slightly raising. His skin was a bit red from the hot shower. He closed his eyelids for a second, then opening it to direct his eyes on me.

"Y/N," he said "What do you think about us living together? I mean, getting an apartment together. One that's big enough for the both of us."

It was like all words have left me. My mind went blank. I starred at him, mouth slightly gaping. It was only when he put his hand on mine that I fall back into reality.

To be honest, I was fine with the way things are at the moment. Us jumping back and forth from his apartment to mine. I never thought about getting an apartment together. I understand the reason behind it of course. We were sleeping together every night anyway. It only make sense to have one place to save time and money. But somehow, I could not accept it. I could not say "okay" that easily. 

"If you don't want to it's fine, Y/N." he sat and gripped my hand "I just thought it'll be more effective for the both of us."

And then, in my mind, I saw myself getting dragged on the wet floor of an alley by a cursed spirit. Then I saw him falling from the building. Again and again. Finally I have words to say.

"But what if I die?" my voice came out a whisper "But what if you die?" 

It made no sense what I said. I was no longer thinking.

"If one of us die, then what do we do?"

His eyes never left mine as I say those words. His grip got tighter on my hand. His whole expression was unreadable. That is until he sighed and shook his head as he closed his eyes.

"We've talked about his, Y/N." his hand reached my cheek, thumb wiping what seemed like a tear I missed sliding from my eye. "Our whole relationship, from the start,"

"But this is about building a home, Kento-san." I cut him "Living together means we're building a home. And a home is," I felt my words were stuck on the back of my tongue. I let silence took over us for a few second. I sighed "It'll be too hard."

"To me it is the appropriate thing. But I guess you are right," he said "We don't have a traditional relationship after all. I shouldn't expect it."

He looked down. His hands no longer on my skin and it felt empty. I could sense that he was dissapointed. He was confused himself. 

I couldn't bear to see him like that. I dissapointed him. So I said "I'm going to go out for a minute, Kento-san." I stood and walk to the door.

"No, please." he stood also "It is not safe for you to go out at this time. I'll go." he walked pass me, grabing his coat on the rack.

My chest hurt from this gesture. Even at times like this he's trying to be good. He knew I needed space, he knew that the apartment is mine, and he knew that it is only proper for him to be the one to go. But I was not going to let him. No.

I took steps towards him. My hands reached him, grabbing his waist. I immediately put my arms around his torso. I held it like I'm never letting it go ever again. I've ruined a perfectly good evening. There's nothing I could think to do other than hold him in place until something, anything happen.

I heard him sigh. His head hanging on his neck, eyes looking down at his feet. I rest my forehead on his back. I was not loosening my grip even when I felt his body trying to turn.

"Y/N," he said. His voice softens. 

I shook my head, forehead still resting on his back. "No."

Let's Grab Lunch : A Nanami Kento fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now