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When I woke up I was in Jail?
White bars surrounded me
But that doesn't make any sense I was in John car last ?
Then I feel a cold wetness around my crotch
What the fuck?
"Hey baby kody" I hear johns voice say coming towards me
"Did you have a good nap hm?" John lowers the white bars and puts his hands under my armpits lifting me out of the
I was still groggy and tired so I didn't protest and just layed my head on his shoulder
"Looks like someone still tired from throwing tantrums all day huh" John teases as he layed me on a soft surface
"Good job baby you used your diaper!" John said in a happy tone the praise made me smile
Did he just say fucking diaper
My eyes shot open and I sat up very quickly making myself dizzy and almost falling off the soft surface
I look down and see that I'm wearing a cloth diaper with a little yellow bear design all over it
I look up and there's a mirror hanging on the door
And I see myself on a changing table
In a baby nursery
With a cloth diaper on
I look like a baby
I couldn't help it tears welled up in my eyes
I wasn't angry I wasn't pissed I was just tired and upset and sad
I've never had this before
I've never had this feeling before
"Kody be careful,whats wrong baby?" John asks in a worried tone as a few tears slip from my eyes
He tries to soothe me laying me down and rubbing my stomach with his big warm hands with a worried and confused expression
Trying to change me
We got as far as getting a new cloth diaper on me with little yellow dots on it
Then I just cried to the point I was wailing
And that's when John picked me up and rocked me
"What happened baby are you okay?" John ask
I just scream and wail louder
"Shhhh it's okay baby daddy's here daddy's here" daddy's says soothingly
I blush bright red as he calls himself daddy
My father didn't like the names dad daddy dada or even father I called him by his first name I didn't realize how odd it was until kids made fun of me and school and why Rob my father didn't want me calling him any type of father figure name
But when John said it , it felt comforting and kind
Sounded like he meant it my head felt a bit fuzzy and my chest felt warm
I even smiled up at him when I calmed down a bit
"Do you like that , the word daddy?" John questioned with a smile
I just blushed and whined
"How about we dressed and go eat something yummy" d- John said
John dressed me in red overalls and a yellow hoodie with white socks and he clipped a dummy on my hoodie and carried me downstairs
"I can walk ya know" I say rudely
"Your too little to walk down the stairs you might get hurt" John replied
"I'm not a b-baby!" I said
"Oh I know I know your daddy's big boy" D-john ! Said while patting my bottom an walking into the kitchen
I was fuming then I see a
high chair?
You've gotta be kidding me fuck no
"I'm not sitting in that" I say flatly
"Yes you are" John said quickly
"I'm not! There's many normal chairs I can sit in!" I whined
"yes but your too little to use an adult chair" John said setting me in the high chair
"I'm not fucking little!!"I snap
John looks at me directly in the eye
"Kody your gonna be good eat and after we eat we're going over rules so I'm serious this is you Last warning I'm not dealing with another tantrum and I won't let you off the hook do you understand?" John explained sternly
When he looked at me my head instantly fell down
And the way he spoke was dominant and stern
I didn't even wanna mess with this guy
"Kody do you understand?" John said again
I nodded my head yes and that was good enough for him he strapped me in the high chair snapped on the tray and a yellow bib on me
"What would you like to eat pouty" John aske me back to his soothing tone
Pouty the hell did he mean pouty then I noticed my lip poking out of my face I just turned my head away
And I heard John sigh
"How about some fruit and pancakes!"John says as he places a small cut up pancake on the tray with some banana and strawberries slices with a couple blueberries
"Would you like some syrup?" John asked look at me
Of course I wanted syrup who wouldn't !
I just looked at him and looked away
"Okay No syrup" John said putting away the syrup
"N-n-no" I say quickly
"No? Would you like some baby?" John said smiling the name Made me blush but I just nodded
"What's the magic word" John said running his hand through my hair
"P-please" I whispered
"Of course!" John said happily as he pour some syrup on the tray and got his severing of food and sat done and started eating
"You f-forgot something" I say making johns head turn to me
"Hm?" John ask
"M-my fork" I say waiting John just smiles
"Babies don't use forks" John said as he continued
Fucking asshole fine I'll show him how messing a 'baby' can get
I grabbed the food with my hands and started to shove the food in my mouth smothering syrup blueberries and strawberries juices all over my face And hands
After I was done John came over
"Your so messy Kody !" John says smiling he's not upset?
"Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll go to the living room" John says as he takes the tray and my bib of getting wet wipes and wiping my sticky hands and face
"Maybe I should have just fed you or chose something less sticky for you to eat" John said taking me out of the high chair and walking to the nicely decorated and spacious living room with a big flat screen Tv
"Okay Kody rules I made a list of them so you won't forget I'll hang them on the fridge" John said pulling out a paper
No hitting biting anything's violent and can do harm to others
Always be kind and respectful
Tell daddy if you need anything if your upset uncomfortable tell me
Always use your manners
No cussing
No throwing tantrums or fits
Bedtime is 8 pm
Nap time is 12
Always tell me what you did wrong before I punish you
Tell me if your thirsty or hungry
Use your diaper
No changing or taking off your diaper by yourself
Time out
Soap in mouth
New toys !
You get to see buddy!
Later bedtime
D-ugh! John! Read them all the rules out loud to me
"Understand?" John asked
"I don't like the bedtime and diaper rule"I said pointing them out
"Sorry baby those aren't changing" John said
I just turned my head away and poked my lip out
"Since we made it through breakfast I got you a gift!"John says
Gift? I turn my head over to him , he pulls a nice gift box out from under the couch placing it in-front of me
I had bo clue what to do I haven't received a gift in such a long time
"Go ahead I picked it out just for you" D-john says pushing the box towards me
I slowly lift up the lid of the box and move it aside White wrapping paper sat at top I look up a John to see if i could read him he just looked really happy , After I moved the wrapping paper I pull out something soft from the box
It was a Winnie the Pooh stuffie
John moves the box and looks at me
"Buddy told me you liked Winnie the Pooh so I got you this to comfort you" John said
I blankly stare at the stuffed animal then I blush profusely and I bring the soft bear up to my face and rub it on my cheek and hugged it tight
"You like it?" John ask
I just nodded and he smiled
"Today's so nice out I was thing we can go on a walk go to the park for a bit". John said putting his hands under my armpits and setting me on his lap
"N-no I don't want people to see m-me they'll think I'm a f-freak" I said quickly in panic
"Oh! I forgot to tell you I live in a town where people like us live so you'll see mommy's and daddy's with littles everywhere so we'll just blend in" John explained
"O-okay" I whispered
"Great let's get the diaper bag and stroller and head out!" John said excitedly picking me up and carrying me
He grabbed the diaper bag from the nursery some stuff from the kitchen and got the stroller out of the garage he's strong as hell he held me the whole time
When we got outside the house he sets up the stroller and strapped me in it
"Are you thirsty baby?" John ask bending down to see me
I just nodded my head
"Here's a sippy it has yummy apple juice in it" D- John said handing it to me
I bring the sippy up to my mouth and hesitantly start drinking
I felt John start to push the stroller and walk
We saw lots of littles and their caregivers walking to some even said hello or waved with a smile , John tried to get me to wave or encourage me to wave back but I was to embarrassed plus I had my bear and sippy in my hands
When we got to the park there was lots of littles playing and running around 
Da- omg! I mean J-John walked over to a bench and took me out of the stroller setting me in his lap
At this point my sippy was empty and I was to nervous to move away from John I thought about running away as soon as he unbuckled me but there's no way
"You Wanna go play baby boy" John ask bouncing me on his knee
I blush and shake my head no holding my sippy in my mouth
"Why not?, don't you wanna go swing or play in the sand" John asked
I just whined and shake my head no I'm a very antisocial person and I don't like being around all these new people
"Daddy and Winnie wanna to go swing wanna go swing with us?" Da-Dammit this guy is good John said
I just nodded my head swinging doesn't sound bad
"Do you have anything left in your sippy?"John asked taking it out of my mouth and opening it
"Nope you drank it all good job!"John slipped the dummy in my mouth that was clipped to my shirt
I was to stressed out and Anixtey filled to complain
John lifted me up and took me over to the swings while I held my bear tight looking around
John put me in one of the baby swings instead of the normal one
"N-no that one" I said pointing to the empty normal swing , This swing was like the high chair
"Your too little to go on the big kid swing" John said
"B-but you said I was a big boy"
"Your my big boy" John said as he started to push me
I was upset and I bit mad about the swing situation but I quickly got over as I was actually having fun
After about 30 minutes on the swing
Daddy took me over to the sand box  and we played in the for awhile
Then we took a break to eat and get something to drink and sat at the benches  and someone came up to us
"John did you get a little!?"I hear a mans voice say
"Jack! Uhh Kinda?" Daddy said
"He's adorable!" Jack said cooing at me
I blushed and hid my face in my bear
Daddy put me in the stroller to give my snack and sippy while he was talking to the other man
Daddy got out a bowl of cut up fruit with a fork and out along with a sippy handing it to me which I quickly found out was sadly water and not apple juice
"What's his name?" Jack ask looking at me and smiling
"What's your name baby!" Daddy asked clipping a bib around my neck and pulling my dummy out of my mouth revealing a pout on my face
"Kody" Daddy answers for me
"Not much of a talker huh?" Jack said
"Yeah but definitely a whiner" they both chuckle
Daddy puts the fork up to my mouth with a banana and strawberry on it and of course a eat it I was hungry
After the men got done talking and I finished eating daddy clean up and started getting ready to go
"Leaving all ready? I wanted to introduce Kody to my evil kids" Jacks ask daddy and they chuckled
"His nap time is 12 and it's 11:20 so we gotta start to head back" daddy explained They counined small talk as daddy pulled the stroller closer and taking me out and laying me on the bench in front of him
What is he doing?
He unclipped my overalls and pulled them off revealing my cloth diaper
Daddy stopped his conversation and look at my diaper
"What a good boy you used you diaper!"daddy said as the man jack was still standing there
I blushed like crazy and was obviously upset
Daddy took off my wet diaper putting it in some sort of bag pulling out a new one wiping and powdering me and putting my overalls back on
I sucked on my dummy and had a red face
He changed me out in public!
In front of one of his friends!
And I used the stupid cloth diaper!
On our way back to his house he talked to me
"What's got you all upset baby?"Daddy says in a soothing tone
"Fuck off I hate you!" I snapped
I felt the stroller stop
No cussing
Shit I broke the rule
Daddy came over to me
"You standing in the corner for 5 minutes before nap time" he said in a serious tone
"Fuck you fuck nap time fuck these stuipd diapers and just fuck all this b-b-baby stuff!" I yelled at him
"You getting fifteen spankings and ten minutes in the corner anything else Kody?" Daddy said sternly
I realized how much I fucked up
But I didn't care I turned my head away with a huff
Daddy nodded his head and started walking again
When we got in the house daddy took me out of the stroller and sat done with me in the couch
"Do you know why your getting 15 spanks Kody?" Daddy asked looking at me
I put my head down and spoke
"I don't know probably cause I cussed or something" I muttered
"Yes" daddy bent me over his lap and set his hand on my bottom
Spanks don't hurt
Daddy started to rain spanks on my bottom I was shocked and upset I didn't realized it hurt this bad and I. Was Wearing clothes
When we got to 15 I was already crying and sniffling
Daddy stood me up on my two feet and started talking
"Kody please go stand in that corner for ten minutes and think about what you said to me"
"Winnie?" I asked I really wanted my bear
"Right when the time is up you can have him right away" Daddy said
I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the corner and sat there facing it
Longest and most upsetting 10 minutes of my life
At this point I was muffling my cries into my arms
I felt bad for what I did and just so frustrated
"Kody you can come out now" I heard daddy say
"D-daddy!" I sobed as I ran over to him
A look of shock went on his face but quickly disappeared and a smile appeared
"Someone needs a nap" daddy said picking me up and rubbing my back avoiding touching my bum
"How about a bath baby?" Daddy ask
"N-n-nu Winnieee" I whined I wanted my bear
Daddy handed me my bear and took me upstairs
He open a door revealing the nursery I woke up in and this time got a good look at it
There was a white crib with pastel yellow walls and little white clouds painted in the walls
Everything was so pretty
When I was born my mother kept me in a dresser drawer because she wanted to spend her money on drugs not a dumb crib I didn't need
I did have any of this growing up , no rocking chair no crib no changing table no walk in closet not even a toy box
I held on to daddy tight and snuggle my face into his chest
"You seem tired how about we take a bath tomorrow hm baby?" Daddy spoke
"I wan' Buddy" I said sadly it was an off topic thing but I'm starting to miss him
"If your good for the next few days I promise he'll come over and see you" daddy replied laying me on the changing table
"W-w-wan' buddy now!" I said started to get worked up
"I know I know Kody he'll be over sometime I promise" daddy shushed me and went to work on changing me but the answer sometime didn't sit with me
"W-wan buddy now!! B-b-buddy now!" I whined and squirmed
"Kody enough you are not go to be throwing a tantrum before nap unless you want another spanking" daddy said strong and stern popping my thigh as a warning
I seal my lips shut and feel tears start to prick my eyes
Daddy put me in a footie onesie and a fresh diaper and took me to the crib
"Do you want a bottle before you take a nap?" Daddy asked
I nodded my head yes not wanting to speak and snuggled into daddy's neck
Daddy set me in the crib which made me whine and tears start to fall from my eyes
"I promise Kody I'll be back a and I'll be super quick" Daddy said as he left
I started to let out broke sobs and kick the crib bars
"Kody what's wrong with you baby?" Daddy said as he came over to the crib and picked me up and bounced me on his hip and sat down with me on his lap
"Kody you need to breathe what's wrong" daddy ask making me sit up on his lap facing him
I tried to snake my arms around his neck but he quickly  put his hands under me arm pits holding me on his lap and stopping my action
I cried for I little longer until I got to tried
"You ready to talk now Baby?" Daddy ask , I let out a shaky breathe and sniffle
"I-I want b-buddy" I whispered and rubbed my eyes
"I know bubba I know" daddy says as he lets me go and lets me lay on his chest which this time I got to put my arms around his neck
Daddy layed a blanket on me and put a red pacifier in my mouth and pulled out his phone
My eyes were started to close due to the exhaustion from crying But quickly fluttered open as I heard the voice of buddy
"Hey Kody!"
My head pops up and I look and see a phone
"Say hi bubba it's buddy" daddy said
"N-nu! I wa buddy n-ow" I said in an upset tone
"If you be good for your daddy Kody ill be over super soon" I hear buddy talk
I whined and shoved my face into daddys chest
Daddy talked to buddy a bit and then buddy said he had to go
"Night night Kody I love you and hope to see you soon little one" buddy said
"B-buddy...mis yo" I said sadly
"I miss you to baby get good rest and be good and I'll see you soon" buddy said softly over the phone.
Buddy hung up and my lip started to wobble 
"Shh shhh I know I know but I promise if you good buddy will come over and I'll buy you some new toys" daddy said bouncing me in his lap
I just pouted and turned away
I missed buddy so much
"How about that bottle an nap now hm? And when you wake up we can do whatever you wanna do!" Daddy said enthusiastically
I didn't answer I was still upset but daddy slipped the bottle in my mouth
Soon a little started to fall asleep as he rocked me

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