Chapter 7 - New Beginnings

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There was laughter at the table as Volstagg recounted their stories at the feast, everyone smiling as Frigga and Cora watched the party from the side, Thor walking by them and squeezing his mother's hand before giving his sister a smile and walking away.

"My Queen, I'm so sorry for your loss," Sif said as she came up beside them as they all watched Thor walk away.

Frigga put a gentle hand on the younger girl's arm. "How is he?" she asked of her son.

"He mourns for his brother. And... he misses her. The mortal."

Frigga nodded. "Enjoy the party." Sif nodded and walked away. "You did well," Frigga spoke, turning to his daughter. "I'm proud of you." Cora smiled. "You'll make a fine leader, my daughter."

"I'm not the leader you want me to be. What you raised me to be."

"You're right. You're better. You save your people now, without expecting praise later. That, my darling, is who you are."

And that's a wrap! Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed! If you liked it, go ahead and check out the series this is a spin off of featuring Captain America's sister! Book 3 of that series should be out either next week or the week after! Stay tuned for info about a potential sequel for this book too. Thanks again!

Save Now, Praise Later - Spinoff Book 1 (Thor/Loki x Sister OC) (Thor)Where stories live. Discover now