Chapter 4 - Given the Chance

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"You would defy the commands of Loki, our king," Heimdall addressed them as they stood in front of him in the Observatory, "break every oath you have taken as warriors, all promises as princess, and commit treason to bring Thor back?"

"Yes," Sif admitted.

"Good," he said quickly, walking towards them as they glanced at each other in shock.

"So you'll help us?" Sif asked.

"I am bound by honor to our king," he said as he walked past them. "I cannot open the bridge to you."

"Complicated fellow, isn't he?" Fandral asked as they watched him leave.

"No. Just evasive," Cora smiled as she spied Heimdall's sword still inserted in the Bifrost opening.

"Now what do we do?" Volstagg asked before Cora motioned for them to turn around, seeing what she saw as lightning started to flicker before the Bifrost opened and they went through. They shielded their eyes as the sun glared on them as they landed.

"This way," Cora said as she spied a town, walking off as the others glanced at each other.

"Do we follow her?" Volstagg asked, unsure of himself.

"I guess we are," Hogun smirked, walking after her as the others followed.

"I guess there's more to the princess than we could have guessed," Sif let out. They continued to the town, ignoring the stares they got as they walked through the streets. They smiled as they reached a glass door, Volstagg knocking as they peered through.

"Found you!" he smiled as they saw Thor, all of them smiling.

"My friends," he cheered as they came inside, hugging each of them. "Sister," he smiled, hugging her tightly. "What are you doing this far away?"

"I came for you."

"Oh, excuse me," Volstagg said as he saw Darcy, Jane, and Eric. "Princess Cora-Pelagia of Asgard and Lady Sif and the Warriors Three," he introduced them.

"My friends, I've never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come."

"We're here to take you home," Fandral said, a smile still on his face.

"You know I can't go home. My father is... dead because of me and I must remain in exile."

"Thor, Father's alive," Cora spoke.

"He still lives," Sif nodded and Thor's face fell. Before anything else could be said, they heard a large rumble of thunder and they rushed to the door, seeing a vortex being formed over the same spot they had landed. Suddenly, a wave of dirt exploded from the middle, rolling out like waves.

"Was somebody else coming?" Darcy asked as they watched. They walked further onto the streets, people starting to rush away as they saw distant explosions.

"A Destroyer," Cora let out.

"Jane, you have to leave," Thor told her.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm staying here."

"Thor's gonna fight with us!" Volstagg smiled.

"My friends," he turned to them, "I am just a man. I'll only be in the way or worse, get one of you killed. But I can help get these people to safety."

"Well, if you're staying, then so am I," Jane walked over to him.

"We'll need some time," Thor nodded and they started off, leaving the other Asgardians in the road.

Save Now, Praise Later - Spinoff Book 1 (Thor/Loki x Sister OC) (Thor)Where stories live. Discover now