The Raft by Miller's Lake

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     My name is Brent Conley and I had heard many bizarre tales about the raft that lies in the middle of Miller's Lake. One of the earliest stories was about how the sister of Silas Miller named Susan disappeared while she was swimming in the Lake with her younger brother Silas. Silas claimed that when they both stepped on the white raft that they both could feel a sort of electric jolt which made them jump into the water. Then a giant whirlpool of water sucked his sister Susan and that was the last time that the thirteen year old boy saw his teenage sister. Jake and Sandra Miller hired many people to find their daughter yet she was never found. The Miller family contacted the previous owner of the property Mister Frank Fellrath to ask him if anything weird had ever happened in the lake of the property. Frank was a bachelor that lived alone in the mansion of the property and he did not swim so he had no need for the lake except that it helped him to relax while watching it. The weird thing was that Fellrath never had seen a raft on the lake. The Miller family told Fellrath that they assumed that the raft was put on the lake by Fellrath, but that was not the case. It seemed as if the raft was mysteriously placed there for some ominous reason.

     While Silas grew up he devoted his life to studying paranormal events and the occult. In a way he was always trying to find a way to find his sister Susan. His parents were less optimistic as the years went by. Some of the people from town spread wild rumors which stated that Susan had been kidnapped by human traffickers. Some in the community believed that Susan's family were responsible for her disappearance. No one was allowed to swim in the lake as many people believed that it was a death trap. Throughout the years, there were many times when Silas could hear his sister Susan calling out to him from the depths of the lake. Silas was determined to get his big sister back yet he needed to understand what he was dealing with because he knew that there was something strange about the raft in the lake.

     I was also into the paranormal and had discovered several gateways that led to some weird places with monsters and ghosts. I had a paranormal device known as The Breach Monitor which could help me cross over to the other side of a paranormal gateway while also helping me to return to my own reality. I had built several breach monitors to retrieve people who had been taken away to an unknown reality. There were times when I would send my synthetic monitor to see what was on the other side of the gateways. The synthetic monitor was an artificial intelligence cyborg equipped with paranormal weapons that looked like a regular human being and could do tasks on the ground or under the water.

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