"How so?" I inquired.

Fingertips brush against my skin, running over my prominent cheekbone, and the sensation was enough to convince me that this boy was doing things to me that no man or woman had ever done.

After that, he backs up. His cold fingers, which felt warm against my skin, were no longer there. And I somehow longed to feel the touch again.

He snapped out of the trance he had fallen into, and his cold exterior returned.

"See you tomorrow?" I say, watching as he scans me one last time.

Lifting his eyes back to mine, he nods.


"The cops came."

Dad scoffs and mumbles something about them being irritating pigs, which makes me giggle slightly.

As we continued to watch the movie in front of us, I rested my head against Nicolo's chest.

We were both safely home now; it wasn't late, but it was late enough.

Mum was sleeping in her bed, but dad was wide awake.

We were all night owls, Nicolo a little less so, he seemed to get tired quickly during the day but was the most awake and energetic at night.

We were currently watching 'Spiderman: Far From Home. Every single Marvel film was a personal favourite of mine.

Nicolo enjoyed them as well, though not as much as I did. But, because this was his favourite film, we sat on the couch and watched it together, snacking on buttery popcorn and chocolate.

Dad sat on the other couch, silently working with his laptop on his lap. My eyelids became increasingly heavy, I closed them and fell asleep in my brother's arms.

The cafeteria was packed, with the sounds of people chatting and eating, echoing across the room.

As we took fries from one other's plates, Aydan sat alongside me, his arm around my shoulder.

Nicolo was still getting food at the front, and I'm quite sure Kara was with Theo somewhere.

They had apparently snuck away together after the big cop show and ended up staying the night with each other. Without going into detail, I'm sure you can guess what they did.

"When's the first game?" I ask Aydan.

"In a month, we're playing against some team up west."

"I'm excited," I grin.

He smiles back and nudges my shoulder. We continue to eat, and Nicolo soon joins us.

Aydan was a member of our college's basketball team, and he thrived at it. He has dreamed to be a basketball star since he was a child.

Our conversation lasted until it was time to go for our next class of the day. I had one more afternoon class before I was done, which was a relief.

I planned to spend today roaming about the city before returning home.

Nicolo couldn't stay with me tonight since he had a job to do, and the twins had classes and studying to complete. I did, too, but my lazy ass knew I wouldn't get anything done.

My last class was business with Aydan, Nicolo, and, most importantly, Roman.

I hadn't seen him yet today, not because I was looking for him, but because I'd been strolling around the college and remembered our exchange the night before.

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