chapter 4

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     Chris went to Adriana's house after school to study and to advoid his family. He reached home around 7:30 that night. 
"Chris? Is that you?" His mother called from the kitchen. He lowered his head and sighed.
"Yeah, ma. I'm just heading up to my room."
"Dinner will be ready in about 10mins." She said walking into the foyer to the staircase.
"I'm not hungry. I just going to shower and go to bed."
"It's Natalia's first dinner with us and yu need to eat."
"I ate at Adriana's ma and I'm really tired."
"You feel ok?"
"I'm fine. I just want to shower and go to bed. Goodnight ma. Love you."
"Love you too baby boy. I'll fix you a plate and put it in the fridge incase you get hungry later."
"Thanks ma" he said as he continued his way up the stairs. He tossed his book bag on the chair in his room and headed for the shower. After words he turned on music, crawled into bed to play xbox for a little bit.
     Later that night as he set talking to Adriana on facetime Bryan knocked and came in to speak with him.
"Are you busy?"
"Can we talk?"
"Can it wait? I'm talking to Ana."
"Call her back." Chris rolled his eyes.
"Babe it's fine. I have to get some sleep for school anyway. I'll see you in the morning."
"Ok Ana. I will see you then. Goodnight mio angelo." Chris put his phone down and took his ear bud out. "What do you want Bryan?" Bryan leaned against Chris's dresser.
"Why did you skip dinner?"
"Gee dad, does it matter?"
"Cut the shit. I am trying to make sure you are ok."
"I had already eatten."
"You could of at least came and said hello to Natalia and helped make her feel welcome."
"She's your fiancee, why do I have to make her feel welcome?"
"Because you're my brother. What is going on with you?"
"I just sick of all this."
"All of what?"
"The rules, this family, dad's need to control everything, dad in general. I over all of it and I can't wait to graduate and get out."
"Dad does what he does to protect us and the family. The rules are here for our safety. Whether you lile it or not you just don't leave this family."
"Watch me. You may let him control your life but he is not going to control mine. I'm leaving the day after I graduate."
"And just where are you planning on going?"
"That's no ones business."
"You honestly think dad is just going to let you leave?"
"He doesn't have a fucking choice. No one is standing in my way. I'm training, getting into shape and once I graduate I am heading to the police academy." Byran laughed.
"Dad will kill you first."
"Not if I take him out first."
"You aren't serious, are you?"
"Bryan you do you and I will do me."
"You can't go up against dad for some girl Chris."
"Who said it was for a girl?"
"I heard you call Adriana (my angel) I know you doing this for her."
"You don't know fucking shit Bryan. Now stay out of my business and get the hell out of my room."
"You are making a huge mistake Chris."
"Fuck you Bryan."
"Fine get yourself killed." Bryan walked out. Chris turned out his lights and tried to sleep. His mind was racing though. "Who the fuck did Bryan thing he was?" He thought to himself. "He's turning into dad. He use to always have my back but he's always on dad's side. I'm done with all of them."  He laid in the dark, stairing into the night until he drifted off to sleep.
     Over the next few weeks Chris did whatever he could to dodge his Bryan and his dad. He left before anyome was up and when he came home he went straight to his room. He would talk to his mother every so often. He felt bad for leaving her but he just couldn't stay. Two weeks before graduation Adriana missed school and wasn't picking up her phone. Chris ran to her house at lunch.
"Chris, what are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry, is Adriana home?"
"Yes she is up in her room. Come on in."
"Thank you." Chris could tell Adriana's mom had been crying. "Mrs. Costa, are you ok?"
"No Chris." She said as she burst into tears. "Mr. Costa was killed last night." Chris's heart sank and his mind raced.
"H-h-how?" He studdarded
"He was on his way home and was shot sitting at a red light in a drive by."
"I'm so sorry Mrs. Costa." He gave her a hug. "How is Adriana taking it?"
"She hasn't come out of her room all day. She wont even eat."
"I'll stay with her and see what I can do Mrs. Costa."
"Thank you Chris." Chris knocked on Adriana's bedroom door.
"I just want to be alone mom."
"It's me baby." He said poking his head in. "I came to check on you since you werent in School. I brought you a sandwhich."
"Oh Chris!" She said running into his arms. "He's gone Chris." She sobbed into his neck.
"I know baby. Your mom told me. I'm here tho and I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you Chris."
"I love you too baby." He said hugging her tighter. After calming Adriana down, she laid curled up in Chris's arms  as they watched a movie.
"I'm so glad your here."
"I wouldn't be anywhere else baby. Now why don't you eat a little something?" He handed her the plate with the sandwhich on it that had been on the nightstand.
"I'm too upset to eat."
"Please, for me Ana." She looked up at Chris.
"Ok for you." She sat up and took the plate from him. "Hey Chris?"
"Yeah baby."
"Do you think your dad had something to do with what happened to my dad?" Chris's face fell.
"I don't know baby but I hope to hell he didn't." Chris rubbed her back as she ate.

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