Part 21

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part. i wanted to skip through more stuff. y'all know i skip through a lot of shit to get to the point.

Nalani POV

1 Year Later

Caedon is 1 years old. He seems very smart. He walks a little, he'll stumble here and there. But he still walks a bit. Caedon and Taehyung are very close. Tae wants to do everything with him. And Caedon loves Taehyung. Not more than me. But he loves Tae.

Tae still doesn't live here, but spends most of his time over here. I'm talking 95% of his time over here.

Everything is great with us. I feel like our relationship get's stronger everyday. We tell each other everything down to the little things that we do in the day.

"Taehyung I'm going to work." I said getting my keys.

"You're not gonna give me kiss." He said coming to the door before I opened it.

"I'll give him a kiss." I said kissing Caedon's cheek.

"Nalani." He whined making me laugh and I kissed him.

"See you. Follow the schedule." I said opening the door.

"Babe. I know what do. This is my son." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Moving on. Take care of my baby." I said going out the door. I went to work and clocked and sat down and started taking all my phone calls and checking people in and making appointments and everything.

Taehyung POV

Some time later I looked at the clock and knew it was almost Nalani's lunch. And she always buys food and comes back with it home so I don't have to cook. And so she can make sure I'm taking care of Caedon right. She's such a helicopter parent.

I was bouncing him on my legs making him laugh and squeal. And I smiled looking at him. I'm starting to see him looking more and more like Nalani as he get's older.

As I was playing with him I heard the doorbell ring. And I know it's not Nalani because she never waits for me to answer the door. She says it's not because she's not on my time. But she's just fucking impatient.

I put Caedon is his bouncing chair and opened the door and saw Trina.

"Trina what are you doing?" I said confused.

"I just wanted to talk to you." She said walking right past me coming and I started panicking because I know Nalani is coming home soon. And she does not like Trina and she will have a fit if she knows she was in her house.

"Trina no. Go." I said.

"Oh relax. I'm not gonna try anything. I just wanna talk to you." She said going to the living room and I was looking all around not knowing what to do. But let the door go letting it close and I went over to Trina.

"Oh so this is the little baby." She said looking at Caedon.

"Yes." I said nervous.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Caedon." I said.

"Aww. That's cute. He looks like Nalani." She said looking closely at him.

"Trina you have to go." I said.

"Why are you in such a rush to get me out. Sit down. I just want to talk to you." She said pulling my wrist yanking me down on the couch next to her and I sighed annoyed.

"Trina. You have to go." I said getting up again.

"Before I go. Can you at least get me a cup of water?" She said.

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