Chapter 16: I guess this is the end...

Start from the beginning

Harith: Harley- *gasps*

What was I seeing...? Harley lying on the floor. His tears now gone, and all I could see was blood and flowers. Flowers and blood...does that mean he has Hanahaki? With who...? Ah wait. I shouldn't be jealous right now. I got to help him! He's gonna die if I don't do something. He looked at me shocked, and seemed to be crying again. He's embarrassed that I'm seeing him like this. Maybe...

Harith: Harley, why didn't you tell me? I could've done something to help...
Harley: That's the thing Harith. This is probably something you couldn't help me with.
Harith: Harley...

I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. I don't know who he likes, but I gotta help him in some way. But just the thought of him with someone else makes my blood boil. Like I want to rip him to shreds and take Harley for myself. And yet I still want him to be happy. Yeah...right now, I just want him to be happy.

Harith: Who is the person...?

And with that, I could hear silence surrounding us. It seems that he didn't want to share his crush with me just yet, but I got to know.

Harley: Well I have been with this person for a while. He takes good care of me, and he's always by my side.
Harith: Go on...

He seems to know this person for a while.

Harley: He seems to be so active. When he's on missions, he reassures his team that they'll win. I admire so much from him...
Harith: ...

Such strong bond with each other.

Harley: And yet there's no one I could live up to be by his side. There was always someone else who would be a better match for him. *sniffs* I guess you could say I'm a hopeless case.

No Harley. That's not true at all.

Harith: Harley...
Harley: Ah who am I kidding. I'm a mess right now. I don't look good at all.
Harith: Harley, that's not true! You're wonderful, and really handsome too. Whoever that guy is must be missing out. {Ironic, isn't it?}

No one's pov {I keep switching it up, but this will be the last}

Harley looked at him in shock. He didn't think his crush would say this to him. I mean, he was describing him but didn't realize it. He didn't even mention that it was him, so how could Harith know he was talking about him?

Harley: Harith...
Harith: Harley, I dunno what that guy is thinking, but I'd be your knight in shinning armor. I'd be there to make you happy every single day.
Harley: Harith... 

Harley then started to giggle. Slowly, the giggles turn to soft laughter. Thanks to Harith's words, he slowly feels the flowers fading away from him. Harith was confused as to why he was laughing.

Harith: I am confused.

He said, as he looked at Harley slowly regaining his vitality.

Harley: You dork. That's because the guy I love is you!

Harith blushed. Eyes wide and in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Harley had a crush on him!? Since when!? How long has it been going on...? Since then met? Harith's thoughts were racing but then he suddenly realized something. Harley had been mentioning him the whole time, and he didn't realize it. He kept going on and on about how better he is than some guy he imagined, when it was actually him the whole time! Oh dear Moonton,  he felt stupid.

Harley stopped laughing as he notice Harith finally realizing why he was laughing. He rolled his eyes in a playful manner before standing up and going up to him. Wrapping his arms on Harith's neck, he looked at him longingly.

Harley: So I assume that was a confession?
Harith: Yeah....I guess. What is your answer?
Harley: Pfft- *giggles* It's a yes, of course! Silly dork.

He playfully tapped Harith's nose. The two looked at each other before deciding to finally kiss each other. Harley felt the warm lips pressed against his. Before he knew it, he was cured. He felt the flowers go away from him completely. He could breathe properly, and he felt alive again. All this happened because of this one kiss. As the two parted, the looked into each other's eyes again. Their eyes read, "I finally got him! I can't believe he's here with me." and stuff like that. Before they could kiss again, they were interrupted by applaud.

Harley: Huh?

Harley said as he looked outside the broken door (which I will sadly pay because poor door did not deserve to be broken) to see his friends looking at them. Were they watching the whole time!? Ah but that didn't matter right about now. He had Harith, and Harith had him. He found his whole world and kept it close to him. Thanks to Harith, he could never be as fragile as flowers again.











YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! THE ENDING! It took me a month, but finally! It feels so sad to let go of this book, but it's also satisfying to do the last chapter. Oh wait! Don't worry. There will be another chapter, which is the epilogue. I like doing epilogue after every book, so stay tuned for it. Also, it's probably gonna be shorter than expected. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Cho-chan signing out~! 1550 words.

As fragile as flowers (Harith x Harley) 🐱🃏 (Hanahaki AU)Where stories live. Discover now