Chapter 13: Agents of Sector 7

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Sam and Mikaela made their way to the kitchen. He finds the backpack, and looks through it. He found the glasses. "Oh, yes." He puts them away as Mikaela arrived.

"Your mom's so nice." Mikaela said to Sam.

"I want you to distract my parents while I slip out and get these glasses to them." Sam asks Mikaela.

Meanwhile outside SUVs and people coming out of the vehicles. Then there was a knock on the door. Ron goes to answer the door and opens. A group of people in suits are at the front door. The man in charge of the group is is Walter Simmons.

"Ronald Wickety?" Agent Simmons asks Ron.

"It's Witwicky." Ron corrected, "Who are you?"

"We're from the government." Agent Simmons shows his badge, "Sector 7."

"Never heard of it." Ron said.

"Never will. Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?"

"It's Witwicky."

"May I enter the premises, sir?" Simmons, and his partner, Theodore Joseph Wells, and two other agents step inside the place.

Judy looks and sees agents outside searching around the neighborhood of the house. "Ron, there's guys all over the front yard."

"The heck is going on here?" Ron asks.

"Your son filed in a stolen car last night." Simmons replied, We think it's involved in a national security matter."

"National Security?" Ron asks.

They're ripping up my rose bushes!" Judy shouts as the agents are tearing up the yard.

"That's right. National Security." Simmons said.

"My God, Ron, they're everywhere!" Judy exclaimed "There's guys in suits all around the house!" Look at this!"

"Could you stay off the grass?" Ron says to the agents, who ignored him.

"Get me a sample and some isotopic readings."

Judy then had enough and grabs the bat, "They're pulling the bushes out of the ground! Good Lord! They've got to get their hands off my bush!"

"Drop the bat, ma'am." Simmons said to Judy.

"Hey, hey hey, that's my- Ron said to his wife.

"I'm carrying a loaded weapon." Simmons warned.

"You better get those men out of my garden or I'm going to beat the crap out of them!" Judy warns Simmons who takes no threat seriously.

"Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Agent Simmons asks. "Aching? Fever?"


Sam and Mikaela appear behind Ron and Judy.

"What is this?" Sam asks.

"How you doing, son?" Simmons asks Sam, Is your name Sam?"

"Yeah." Sam replied.

"Well, I need you to come with us."

"What?" Judy asked.

"Whoa, way out of line here." Ron objects as he moves closer to his son.

"Sir, I am asking  politely. Back off." Simmons warned Ron.

"You're not taking my son."

"Really? You going to try to get rough with us?"

"No, but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here."

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