Decoris heaved in a breath, waiting for Akkira to say something. Anything. She hoped he would explain himself, that he of all people would have a definite reason for doing what he did. That he would tell her that he didn't mean to. Heck she even wanted him to at least argue with her that they had their reasons, anything at all. But what Akkira asked next, had her dumbfounded.

"Why did you do it?"

Decoris stared at Akkira's blank face in confusion. "Do what?"

"You know what. Why did you take what belonged to Vayu and Seira? No- scratch that. How could you do that? I don't care what reason you had, whether it was breaking the law or anything else. My point is, how could you? No matter what differences we had, how could you literally steal away their birthright? How could you get so cruel?" Akkira stared at her with hurt for his friends, which all together sent Decoris tiny hopes to the drain.

He wasn't here for her. He wasn't spying on her to see how she was doing. He was here to interrogate her about Vayu and Seira. She should have known. Why else would he show up after all these years? And even then, why did it hurt so bad?

Decoris held herself back from crying as she stared bloody murder at him. "How could I be so cruel? Don't you know the answer to that already?"

Decoris laughed bitterly, making Akkira squint at her but inside, Decoris felt like she was dying. She was feeling the same way she did that tragic night, when it all started. She wanted to explain, to convince, but she couldn't find it in herself to do that anymore. Not after knowing it now for sure that none of them, not even Akkira ever cared for her. She was nothing to them. The warm girl she once was was now dead. Decoris was finally embracing the creature her mother had been set to create that tragic night, finally letting it out as she said all the things she never imagined she would.

"I did it because that's what I am Akkira. I am cruel. I am born to be cruel. I'm the descendant of Hell, home for the Devil. I am destined to be like this. You should know that already, don't you think? After knowing that I killed my own father? Followed by all of yours?" Decoris smirked menacingly, the bonds holding her suddenly disappearing as Akkira stumbled behind, his face filled with horror. 'Y-you...what h-have...'

"That's right. I killed them. I also killed my father."

No I didn't. I didn't mean to. I couldn't control it.

"It only took a gust of wind to finish them."

I couldn't control it, I swear.

"Why do you look so surprised? Didn't you know that already? Didn't you believe it even back then? Isn't that why none of you ever checked on me? Why? Does the truth hurt more now that you hear it coming from my mouth?" Decoris laughed at Akkira's expanse, her eyes darkening with a mixture of black and red, that didn't go unnoticed by Akkira.

" are not Decoris. Decoris wouldn't be like this. She wouldn't do this she-"

"What do you even know about her?" Decoris deadpanned with a blank face. "You only knew her for five baby years. Stop pretending like you know her."

Akkira groaned, bowing his head as the tears fell freely, but he couldn't bring himself to look at her. Look at the monster she had become. Heck she didn't even know that was actually hurting Vayu and Seira.

Speaking of which.

"You mark my words, Decoris." Akkira suddenly said, all his remorse flying out the window as his wings spread out and his dark blue eyes darkened to almost black, glaring holes into Decoris. He no longer cared what she meant to him. He no longer cared what promises he had made. This had gone too far.

If I Stay • The Final [BTS X ARMY X KPOP]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα